I am a disfellowshipped J.W. single Mom that needs a ride cause I have to walk with a stroller with my 4 yr. old toddler to the Oakland congreations on Oakland St. This is a very dangerous area of the city and because its blocks away from Frankford ave. and lights and stores we could be attacked. Please email me at: [email protected] if you are going to the same Hall and also trying to be reinstated. Thanks so much..Linda
Is anyone trying to go back to the K. Hall that lives in Philly.
by ladyofsmiles 11 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome to the forum. Why do wish to be reinstated? Most of us are either out or on our way out or trying to fade.
I gave talks in that Hall friend.
Stick around here for a while.
Listen to what you're saying.
Get reinstated?
Sounds weird doesn't it?
You are already loved unconditionally.
Welcome ladyofsmiles.
Continue to love and care for your precious little one.
Mrs Smith
Hi Ladyofsmiles. Welcome to the forum. Most of the people here were very hurt by the witnesses and are trying to move on with their lives. Some have realised that you can have a relationship with God without the influence of the WBTS. I hope you find happiness and unconditional love. Help when you need it instead of been told your too bad to be part of a group.
you need to read a few posts here before you go make the decision to get reinstated.
This thread makes me sad and angry......................sad for Linda who is obviously trying to 'please God' and 'put her life back into some order she feels comfortable with' and yet she is having to jump through hoops to please a bunch of guys basically. The part of it that makes me angry is in what I am about to say to you Linda...................Please think Linda.........do you really think God expects you to walk some distance with a small child in an area that is dangerous................do you really think it is right that God expects you to do this for some time without help, love or support............
Linda if there is a God and he cares for us, then surely he does not expect you to put yourself and your child at risk.........if you feel that you have done something wrong in Gods eyes then surely prayer to him is the answer.........not walking miles to sit and be ignored for months on end.
I am sorry if this seems a little harsh to you..........but your post makes me feel real sad for you.
Hi ladyofsmiles,
welcome to the forum. Just a short story, one evening after our meeting I saw in the main hall a DF woman that attends a different congregation. She comes to the hall with three small children, one severely disabled. No help from anyone. takes public transportation and walks. It is too bad my car is already full as I would take her and wait for comments. I could not imagine Jesus dealing with her the way she is being dealt with.
My point is, brothers and sisters should take you.
I will not question why you want to go back. I do not judge anyone. It might be the best option for you, so I wish you the best of luck.
I recommend you stay home, where you're safe.
I also struggled through the reinstate process - going to meetings despite the odds. It was for nothing - God does not require this, just a group of men. It is wonderful that you want to get your life together. Find a nice Christian church nearby and start reading your Bible - not the New Way to Twist it bible, but a real genuine Bible. It was a wonderful experience for me.
Why aren't the elders in your hall HELPING YOU??
They should be the ones, IF THEY CARED ABOUT YOUR SAFETY AND WELFARE, who should be picking you up and taking you home.
That said, you should read a few more posts here and then decide if it's worth putting your life at risk just to go to the meeting...and to be humiliated by being shunned, no one talking to you, what kind of LOVE is that???
Jesus would NOT do that to you. Jehovah would NOT do that to you.
When a sheep is lost, the shepherd goes looking for that sheep, he doesnt kick it to the side of the fold and tell the other sheep to ignore it.
I hope you see what a heartless organization this really is. Their disfellowshipping practices are not bible based.
I am a witness. I am not DF'd or DA'd. I have never shunned anyone who was disfellowshipped because it is just WRONG and goes against my conscience to shun someone that is a friend or family member.
Please read more, there is alot you need to learn about the society. They are cold and heartless and cruel.
They are not followers of ''The Christ''.