I would like to know something, I remember hearing once wen I was an active JW that wen the U.R.S.S. still existed, KGB agents infiltrated the cong. and became elders, any body have some info on this?
K.G.B. and the WT
by Anti-Christ 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I think that the Watchtower wants us to believe that they are so powerful that even the KGB fears them.
Well actually, back then it got me asking serious questions about the "holy spirit appointing the elders" thing.
The intelligence services of the Soviet Union spied on everyone and everything. I don't know how active the JW's were in the USSR, but I'm sure they were watched like a hawk and members punished for any transgression against the USSR.
The JW's were very active in the USSR especially after World War 2. The government deported a lot of the Witnesses to Siberia, where their numbers grew rapidly.
At a circuit assembly in Minnesota, a District Overseer related that communist agents did indeed make it to high positions in the JW's within the Soviet Union. He said the reason was to test the loyalty of the "brothers and sisters" to the organization -- would they stay even after it was discovered?
Lesson: Stay loyal to the organization, no matter what kind of creepy people infest it. You NEED to have this organization (even though you have to associate with creeps) to make into the paradise!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Gopher. I wanted to know if any body else heard of this.
Yes. There are even old Russian propaganda films against the WT. They considered it to be a Western sect and were suspicious of it. (Well- they were suspicious of everyone and everything.)
But- persecution does not prove truth. They are two separate discussions.
Of course!
It is very good known that members of branch office cooperated with intelligent service in Czechoslovakia. One of members even wrote about this in his memoirs.
See this (unfortunately in Czech only): http://www.straznavez.cz/Zdomova/Kapitoly/Kapitoly11.htmAnd names of some of these brothers were even put on a list of collaborators: http://www.straznavez.cz/Zdomova/sjastb.htm
See also:
*** Pay Attention to Daniel’s Prophecy! chap. 16 p. 274 par. 8 The Contending Kings Near Their End ***
Yet others who seemed to accept the good news were really spies for the authorities. A report from one land reads: “Some of these unscrupulous characters were avowed Communists who had crept into the Lord’s organization, made a great display of zeal, and had even been appointed to high positions of service.”*** Yearbook 20000 pp. 190-191 Czech Republic ***
Some observers, not knowing all the facts, thought that the brothers who were involved in these discussions were collaborating with the State Security. The names of some of these brothers were even put on a list of alleged collaborators, and it was charged that they modified articles for publication to suit the desires of the State Security.This is a sad true about neutrality.
I've heard something to that effect as well. If I'm not mistaken Daniel Sydlick was telling those stories. I still might have audio tape somewhere.
Thank you Martin for the information. Irkr, I did not know about the films, thanks