A JW is threting to sue over a Video on YouTube unless its taken down.

by A-Team 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi VM44,

    I don't know whjat the first piece of music is, but the second is PORCELAIN by Moby.

  • DannyHaszard

    Please sue (me) Danny Haszard


    When has a JW,ever had any say in their own religion??..This man,or woman is an idiot..Not much else to say..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • besty

    Monophonic - Murdoch has no economic interest in YouTube - try Google for who owns YouTue ;-)

  • monophonic

    right, got it mixed up with myspace for a second.

  • Tatiana

    I left a message also, and of course I then had to link to the other JW videos, and so spent over an hour reading and commenting. Damn you, A Team!!

    These are good too.


    After 32 years, a Jehovah's witness was disfellowshipped by the Watchtower for showing the evidence of Satanic art work in their own publications, to his own elders.



    An e lder tries to mislead the court about the reality of Disfellowshiping among Jehovah's Witnesses.


  • sass_my_frass

    Moby: top music, but you'd better take it out of the video to avoid copyright infringement.

  • WTWizard

    Hmm, I wonder what we can countersue the Watchtower Society for. Perhaps protecting child molesters within their ranks, abridging our freedom of speech, trying to control the flow of knowledge and hence starting another Dark Ages, falsely representing their religion as the truth and its adherents as happy, the shunning of family members when one member blows it or will not live up to the lies of the Tower, attempting to shut down Web sites (and accomplishing shutting down www.watchtower.ca's Quotes site), physical child abuse, and leeching food stamps from people that pioneer and that sold out for those false dates.

    And, maybe next year, we can add more to the list. Let them ban school or work, and they will get hit with a s***load of lawsuits for that. Not to mention the criminal charges of fraud, obstruction of justice, and even murder.

  • Scully

    I would just ask him if he really thinks that any court is going to hinder your constitutional rights to free speech and free exercise of religion. After all, that's what the WTS fought for, isn't it? And just because it sucks for him that constitutional freedoms apply equally to non-JWs, JWs, and exJWs, doesn't give him the right to infringe on your rights. If he doesn't like what you're saying, he can always exercise his option to shun you (which is a tenet of his belief system that he chooses to ignore when it is convenient and he enjoys some relative anonymity by virtue of the internet).

  • DannyHaszard

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