Mormon lady shocked at JW disfellowshipping policy

by yaddayadda 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mum

    Sonia Johnson was a Mormon activist trying to get the Equal Rights Amendment passed in the '70's. Her book, From Housewife to Heretic, is well worth reading. Her DF'ing trial makes the JW's look minor league, maybe even little league. They have former CIA officers and, in her case, intimidation tactics that would make you beg for a JW JC.



  • barry

    Im an SDA and there is no disfellowshipping, excommunication or shunning. The most church leaders can do is ask you to leave if there is any problem. The thinking behind this is that people will decide themselves if they want to belong to the SDA church. There are differences in doctrine within the SDAs anyway so even though most beleive the trinity I could beleive as some do Arianism and still be a member. This makes dissfellowshipping unworkable anyway because who would you dissfellowship Arians or Trinitarians?

  • JWdaughter

    Having been an unbaptised JW and a baptised LDS, I can testify as to their policies. Yaddayadda's friend is correct-at least in WA state. In Utah, I imagine if you go out of the church in an angry blaze of fire, you will offend friends who might shun you on a personal level, but that can happen in any church (and from what I have seen outside of both of those churches, there is plenty of personal shunning going on). I have not seen any corporate church directed shunning in the LDS church. My friends who left that church still got together with other still LDS friends at our class reunion. I am greeted joyfully by old friends when I see them. I was SHOCKED when an old JW friend inquired about me at the recent FTC convention-because NO ONE has mentioned me in 25 years that I have ever heard of (I imagine it is the first conversation that my mom felt was repeatable). My dear old excommunicated, gay, chain smoking alcoholic mormon friend was quite chummy with my former missionary, now bishop and father of 5 friend at the reunion. They were both lovely to me. There were others, but I they were not in our tight knit group of friends.

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