I was recently informed that I have the legal right to have my baptism nullified. But apparently there is a time limit on it. I have to do this before I turn 19. If I succeed, they will announce at a meeting that I was never a Jehovahs Witness, and I will NOT be disfellowshiped or disassociated.
I should also point out that I was baptised at age 9. (I think... honestly I can't remember, it may have been 10 now that I think about. Dunno I'll have to check.)
Can anyone give me more information...
Any help would be appreciated!
My MAIN questions are:
How would a dub view this / Would they choose to shun me anyway?
Who would I need to contact?
How much does it cost (Attorney fees etc.)?
How long does it take? If I start the whole proccess WHILE I'm 18, then will it matter if I turn 19 before it's all done with?
Any little loopholes I should know about?
Anyone here who has experienced this, or knows someone who succeeded, or any lawyers here?