JV believe that we had a big flood 4000 years ago and that we humans was created 6000 years ago. It is impossible it is impossible. That is also why it is a satanic doctrine because it is impossible, then you can't be a christian or jv, because you can't belive in stuff who is impossibel. Below you can se an alternative theory ... http://www.reasons.org/resources/apologetics/other_papers/the_genesis_genealogies.shtml#_ftn1#_ftn1
JV and rest of Christianity: Satanic Doctrine!
by TheNaturalStep 18 Replies latest watchtower bible
satanic oh no
How rude of me! Welcome to JWD
edited to add above.
Welcome to the board, NaturalStep. I wanted to make this link clickable: htp://www.reasons.org/resources/apologetics/other_papers/the_genesis_genealogies.shtml#_ftn1#_ftn1 By "JV" I assume you mean "JW" or Jehovah's WItnesses. JW's are not much different than many evangelical Christians who believe in the "young earth" theory and in creationism. (Although in recent years the Watchtower has backed away from the 'young earth' idea.) The "alternative theory" in your link is another attempt to make the Bible look scientific. But is the Bible meant to be scientific? Or is it just another creation myth or story, similar to many other ancient creation myths that have been passed down through the generations? Examination of the text of Genesis chapters 1 and 2 shows they are actually two different accounts, each aligned with different creation stories from other (not Hebrew) cultures. And a worldwide flood could not have possibly happened as described in Genesis, there are too many scientific impossibilities in such an account. It comes down to a question of why must people have belief in the Bible or other ancient religious stories? Do you want to live by faith in unknown things, or by reason and logic? -
You wish it was Satanic.
Below you can se an alternative theory ...
I found another alternative theory:
Christ never existed.
genesis? creation? really?
Yea but how can you be a Christian if they believe in stuff which are impossible, they should at least make there religion possible, if they believe in what i stated, then that would mean that anyone who has critical thinking can't be a Christian. That is why i call it a satanic doctrine, i mean wouldn't Christian consider a false doctrine who does much damage to there religion to be a satanic doctrin? About your alternative explanation about those accounts, yea that is Prolly what secular scholars believe but it is still just theories it doesn’t proof anything.
Being a Christian is all about belief in stuff who is impossible
Welcome NS.
True but stuff can be more or less impossible; also remember that abiogenesis and the evolutionary process that led to createtion of humans is also impossible, but still we are here confusing right?
abiogenesis and the evolutionary process that led to createtion of humans is also impossible
I think you may be confusing the terms impossible and improbable