If you had to pick the best question that would disprove a scared JW belief what would it be? I am not looking to debate the meaning of a scripture vs. a different scripture, rather I am looking for one of their beliefs that science and or history can totally dispute. I may only be able to ask one question and there is a good chance that it will end up back to the elders. So I need the best of the best!
Need a good question to ask a JW at work
by claytoncapeletti 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
Do you mean "scared" JW belief, or "sacred"? (I know they are SCARED of lots of things !!)
The best question I can think of is : Why do WT publications continue to hold to the 607BCE date for Jerusalem's destruction by the Babylonians when every secular source says 587 BCE? The 587 BCE date can be easily proven by using fixed historical dates that even the WTS acknowledges, in combination with chronology found in the Bible itself (the destruction listed as being in the 18th regnal year of Nebuchadnezzar).
Historical/Biblical I would go with 607 BCE
Moral? I would go with the DF policy that separates children/teens and others from their support group when they MOST them. The most heart-wrenching written documentation of this was by a poster here: Nicolaou. That story alone will haunt anyone who reads it and if they have any sense of humanity will not condone such treatment ever again in their life.
For good research on the 607 thing, look at Ithinkisee's theads. (There are many links in his posts)
For Nicolaou's recounting of his brother's experience, I will have to look a little to find the link.
LOL-- yes, I meant sacred.
Found the link I was looking for: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/21351/1.ashx (Nicolaou's young brother)
Dig out the old publications that point to 1914 being the date of the overthrow of all the world powers of the time.
Or dig out the old pubs that say that 1925 would show the return of the Old Testament Worthies.
Neither happened
the watchtower was affiliated with the united nations. all the while, they were saying they were satan's organazation. this one is very easy to prove.
If the Watchtower’s teaching that the 144,000 were filled in 1935 is correct, can you explain how Jesus, his apostles and their immediate followers couldn’t get 144,000 converts in 1800 years, but the Watchtower got 6 million converts in 125 years?
Why is there only one judgment period from God to test the endurance and worthiness of the 144,000 before they are guaranteed of eternal life, but the other sheep have to endure through this life, the 1000 year millennium plus pass an unknown final test before they are counted worthy of eternal life? Why is salvation so much easier for the 144,000?
The Watchtower Society requires that a baptismal candidate acknowledge that they are being baptized as a member of an organization before they can be immersed. - Ask him to show you one Scripture that teaches that a Christian convert must acknowledge being baptized in the name of the person / organization doing the baptizing; or where a Christian must be baptized into a particular congregation.
Or, you could ask him to show you one Scripture that teaches that a person must join a particular organization or congregation to gain salvation.