More JW e mail drivel (PUKE)!

by NikL 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • NikL

    I just had to pass this e mail along to my friends here.

    Angels in the Field Service!!!
    >At morning worship with the Bethel family, Brother Lett of the Governing
    >Body, made a few comments regarding our work of preaching and bearing
    >witness to others.
    >He made the point that we should not be discouraged by not-at-homes or
    >those who are not interested in our message. He mentioned that even if 80%
    >of our visits were not-at-homes, and 20% were not interested, we still have
    >many reasons to be joyful. Primarily, because we are pleasing Jehovah.
    >Also, we are fulfilling our responsibility to bear witness to others,
    >thereby proving that Satan the devil is a liar. Additionally, we are
    >helping the angels determine the condition of people's hearts.
    >He then gave this example of a typical day in field service. At the first
    >door we go to, after we knock, a woman peeks through the window, sees us,
    >but doesn't answer the door. We mark it as a not-at home, but the angels
    >mark it as something else. They can see the condition of the woman's heart.
    >At the second door we knock at, no one is home since the husband and wife
    >are both at work; but we leave a tract. That night when the couple gets
    >home and sees the tract, a conversation begins. "Those Witnesses were by
    >our house today. They sure are persistent." The angels are watching and
    >make note of it.
    >At the third door we knock at, no one answers. This is because the woman at
    >the first house called her friend at the third house and warned her that we
    >were coming. She says: "Boy, those Witnesses sure are persistent. They just
    >don't give up." We mark it as a not-at home, but the angels mark it as
    >something else.
    >We knock at the fourth house and no one is home. However, a lady across the
    >street sees us. The Witnesses had knocked at her door last week, but she
    >didn't listen. She says to herself: "Those Witnesses sure are persistent,
    >but very well dressed. Even their children are well behaved. Maybe I should
    >listen to them the next time they knock at my door." Again, the angels make
    >note of it.
    >We knock at the fifth house, and again, no one is home. But a garbage truck
    >passes by. The driver tells his co-worker: "There go those Witnesses
    >again." The co-worker asks: "Aren't they the ones that don’t accept blood
    >transfusions?" "Yes", the driver replies. "But look at how well dressed and
    >well behaved their children are. I wish my children were the same." The
    >angels make a note of this.
    >So at just these five houses, there may have been five not-at-homes marked
    >down, but look how many conditions and reactions of the heart the angels
    >were able to observe. Now imagine how many of the se same scenarios they
    >observe being played out around the world each and every day. How important
    >it is that we be in the ministry to help our angelic brothers to see behind
    >the response we receive at the doors.

  • Chameleon

    There was a thread like this before, but it's always fun to shred it apart.

    Here's a real conversation:

    Man 1: Hey, those JWs let their kids bleed to death, right?

    Man 2: Yeah, that's what I heard. What a bunch of cult freaks!

  • bigdreaux

    typical cult thinking. if you don't listen to us, you die. freaking assholes.

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    Are angels such morons that they have to wait until a JW knocks on a door to read the householder's heart?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    As a man, I love Steve Lett. As a Watchtower propogandist he stinks.

    Why, prey tell, do the angels need to observe the reaction of people as they avoid/speak of/ notice/ignore sales people from the Kingdom Hall? Could they not judge hearts [something that I believe was held as privilaged of Jesus himself] by observing how the people treat one another, how charitable they are, how they respond and give love to others, act in matters of loyalty and honesty in private and public, far better than how they react to 'well dressed Jw kids'?

    Now you know why the Jw kids are required to look like little Jw adults in service. They are walking 'flyers and pamphlets' for the book club.


  • bigdreaux

    come on jeff. you know damn good and well, the only way to salvation is through the society.

  • jaguarbass

    Doesnt Jehovah and Jesus know everything the begining from the end the alpha and the omega. Why do they need the angels to tell them what they already know. And if they already know and they made us why are they upset. Faulty workmenship?

  • bigdreaux

    i always thought that too. it's like a computer programmer, writes code, and when the computer does excately what he programmed it to do, he gets pissed and smashes it. doesn't make sense to me.

  • nvrgnbk
    freaking assholes.

    Most eloquent bigd. I concur.

  • abbagail

    If I remember correctly, the whole "angel out w/you in service" idea is from the verse in Revelation where it says "the angel flies in midheaven with everlasting good news to declare..." However, that event doesn't even occur UNTIL the events in Revelation are actually taking place (Tribulation). So I agree w/all who said it's not the angels who read and decide and "make notes" of a person's heart condition, but the Lord -- "No one comes to the Father except through me," and "my Father who sent me, draws him" etc. I don't see angels in those verses, though the angel-idea makes for a nice "upbuilding" propaganda piece to keep the friends "encouraged" and "drudging along." Very cutesy...


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