Would this be frowned upon these days If a person decided to go to the police academy?
Can a jw go be a policeman?
by reneef 14 Replies latest jw friends
jws cannot carry guns in their employment. Some law enforcement jobs do not require carrying a gun insome states, such as working in the jail or prison.
Blondie -- if you're still reading this --
Is carrying a gun considered a DF'ing offense by the WTS? Or do you just not get special privileges like carrying the microphone or pioneering?
Thank you for the answer. I wanted to know if a jw in good standing could decide to go to a police academy and become an officer. I think most policeman carry guns. What happens to people who collect guns or go shooting then? They must give up their hobby?
it is not a disfellowshipping offense. it is looked down on. from what i see, it is more lax in rural areas. but, in cities, gunownership is frowned upon.
What happens to people who collect guns or go shooting then? They must give up their hobby?
A lot of JW's in my home state go hunting in the fall season. As long as they say that it's for food and not sport, they won't get in trouble with their religious gurus.
Way back when, my UBM was a deputy sheriff. The elders tried to work on him but they admitted to him he would not be able to carry a gun, and of course that means no being a cop. That was his calling, and so he stopped listening. Funny thing he picked up on the headship and submission thing really well but nothing else.
Is carrying a gun considered a DF'ing offense by the WTS? Or do you just not get special privileges like carrying the microphone or pioneering?
It's the latter... A JW is not considered "exemplery" if they carry a firearm in their line of work JW males were given a six-month ultimatem in the July 15, 1983 issue of The Watchtower:
As the world becomes increasingly violent we can no longer regard as exemplary a brother who continues in armed employment. He could be allowed six months to make a change. If he does not make a change, he would not be in a position to hold special privileges of service and responsibility in the congregation.—1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:5, 6. (p. 26)
There are areas where this mindset was openly laughed at even by the elders.
Basically one can't be DF'd for being a policeman,
But one would not be allowed "privileges of service" as another poster has noted. That would mean that one cannot pioneer, serve as a ministerial servant, elder, or even carry microphones at the meetings. I know a brother who works within the criminal justice system in a position which requires a gun. He is still a brother in good standing, though not considered exemplary and not allowed to do anything for which he might otherwise be qualified. If that is fine with you, then don't worry about it. One caveat though, if you had to use your weapon and it resulted in a fatality, things could get dicey with the congregation in theory. I do not know what the instructions the WTBTS would give the elders in such a case.
It's the latter... A JW is not considered "exemplery" if they carry a firearm in their line of work JW males were given a six-month ultimatem in the July 15, 1983 issue of The Watchtower
The jw's blinking light got me. In 82 the buzz was that you could be a cop and carry a gun and be a witnoid. I knew some witnoids who were cops. I applied and was hired as a deputy sheriff and as soon as I got hired they came out with their blinking strobe light and said one could not carry a gun and be a witnoid. So I quit because I was concerned about getting shot and not being right with God and not being in good standing with his organization and all. It was just very overwhelming to me. I was trying to do the right thing. But the organinzation proved to be too inconsistent and too full of shxt. After I quit I stewed and I saw what a crock they had put me through from no education to not even being able to make a decent living as a cop. So 1975 and the blinking light in 83 I was done with them flakes. I read 30 years a wactower slave and started subscribing to comment from the Friends, then sometime latter Franz's books came out. I would pick up litterature exposing the cult at bookstores and call and talk to the authors. Thats how I did it back in 83.
Had I stayed with the sheriff in 83 I would have been retired next year, 2008 making retired what I make working full time now. Instead I have 10 more years of work to look forward to and nowhere near the retirement. Basically I will just retire with social security, thanks to the flacky witnoids and my mother bringing home a wactower magizine back in 52.
But I know somehow I am responsible because I listened to their shxt for too long. I didnt know when to fold and walk away. Till 83. I said to myself how could you carry a gun in 82 and not in 83? I said this is not right.