Name Things You Hated About Being A Jehovah's Witness

by minimus 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Atpeaceatlast

    The blank, emotioness looks on their faces when I told them my father had died the night before. The blank, emotioness looks on their faces everytime I wanted to be an individual or questioned certain rules. The blank, emotionless look on my JW boyfriend face when I asked about going to his H.S. prom, and he curtly said, "No." (didn't even asked if I wanted to go or not).

    Bigdreaux: I know what you mean, I shudder just thinking about that smell; my stomach twists, too.

  • jaguarbass

    I hated that they were against everything andevery one they were the most miserable people in the world.

  • DJK

    Watching relatives drop in on Christmas day, with bags of presents, and five minutes later walk out, with the presents.

  • Anony-Mouse

    I hate needing freinds, yet the only ones I can have would stab me in the back at a moments notice.

    Also, I never got anything like a 'family day'....ever. I've gotten 2 gifts in my life from my mother since I 'graduated' kindergarten. That was my first and last party that was only for me.

    When we moved away from home, we had a party, but there were no gifts.

  • nvrgnbk

    One more meeting and I was gonna lose it big time.

    Ever heard the expression "he went postal"?

    If I went to one more meeting, that expression would have faded into disuse, replaced by " he went JW".

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    Here are a few things that top my list:

    1. Field Service

    2. Giving talks

    3. Having to tell other people that I was a JW

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Telling people I wasn't there to change their religion.

    Yeah, that one always made me feel like such a liar. Why else would we be at their door pushing our religion on them?

    I hated field service in general, especially running into kids I went to school with. Not being able to do any of the things that the other kids were doing. I wasn't allowed to play football, which I wanted to do more than anything else.

  • mrsjones5

    I hated the cliques. Hearing about the get-togethers only after they happened. Maybe it was cuz my father wasn't strong in the lie and only came to the hall for the memorial? No idea why. My mother still trys to be friends with these people. I don't waste my time on them.


  • minimus

    I used to say that we should NEVER tell people we're not interested in their changing their religion. That was a LIE!

  • PEC

    Everything, except the cream cheese danishes.

    Funny how everything comes back to money with the WTS. Buy everything after the holiday and give the 50% you saved to the WTS. And they called me materialistic, hypocritical bastards.

    LOL, I always tossed my fork and got a new one.


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