For your perusal...
September 1st 2007 QFR re FDS
by AlphaOmega 54 Replies latest watchtower bible
"Most though had acted discreetly"......I don't think this is how things really worked out. "Most" did NOT act discreetly. Most left the "Truth".
Discreet: marked by prudence or modesty and wise self-restraint.
Prudence: judging wisely in practical affairs.
The WT uses only the first half of the definition. Common usage tells us all that using wise
judgment needs to accompany self-restraint.The wise virgin who only has so much lamp oil doesn't waste it casting light all night. She
waits to see the master then lights it, perhaps all the virgins share their oil and keep one
lamp lit all night, sharing the remainder. Self-restraint would keep you from using up your
limited supply of oil. Only the WT makes you think they could have brought enough lamp
oil to begin with to last all night, as if they all had an endless supply of it.I love how they attack the anointed who thought they were going to meet Jesus right away.
Only the wise ones were discreet and became the FDS. I guess they should stop letting
CT Russell guide the work from heaven because he wasn't discreet. -
I think the NWT is stretching definition by using "discreet" with the man building his
house on the solid foundation. Imagine that, the NWT might be using a definition that
helps their doctrines.If it is correct, then the self-restraint would be waiting to find the right spot to build.
Not just starting your foundation, say on 1874 or on a great pyramid, then transferring
it to 1914 and placing all your building's support into keeping 1914 as an "absolute"
thing. Discreet men would wait until they actually knew the absolute truth before they
said it. -
I guess the "indiscreet" ones were those who, prior to 1914, had humbly accepted Charles Russell as God's exclusive channel of communication. Poor fools for not suddenly switching their allegiance to Judge Rutherford!
Now, in terms of the quality of 'being discreet', one has to wonder which of those two men had that quality? Pompous and misogynistic Russell or foul-tempered and ruthless Rutherford??? What a desperate choice!
The virgins remind us of anointed Christians before 1914 who were eagerly waiting for the arrival of the Great Bridegroom, Jesus Christ.
Another example of their continuing pattern of deceit!
They claim once again that in 1914 they "were eagerly waiting for the arrival of the Great Bridegroom, Jesus Christ"
The truth, of course is that until at least 1925 they believed and were teaching, that Jesus had arrived in 1874.
How could they be expecting him in 1914 when they believed he had already come in 1874?
Deceit and lies mixed with the usual self aggrandizment.
Thus, a discreet follower of Jesus is one who forsees the bad consequences of following human wisdom.
I somehow get the feeling that the person who wrote this is condemning the Governing Body in a veiled way. Could a rebellion in the wrting department be coming soon?
Thanks, AlphaOmega, for posting this! As was posted already the "anointed" before 1914 thought that Christ had returned invisibly to the earth in 1874. Not only that, they believed those anointed who had already died had been raised to spirit life on the earth in the year 1878 and along with Christ were directing the "harvest work" which was to last until 1914. Any who died after 1878 were instantaneously raised to spirit life to join the other saints who were invisibly sojourning the earth along with Christ. This is all spelled out in Volume 3 of Studies of the Scriptures.
This idea was changed in 1927 and the resurrection was then said to have happened in 1918 and the anointed were then said to have been raised to heavenly life, instead of being invisible here on the earth.
This sounds like a manipulation, criticizing ones that now after "all" these years with all the WTS "push" are discouraged that they have used up their energies and financial resources for the work, that are now gone now that they are older and tired & discouraged with their reality and broke and no plan for their old age and may be bitter. The WTS will only criticize the individuals themselves but of course not the organization's misdirection to their poor and tired that gave it all they got but the GB will only turn to these and say "poor fools".
I somehow get the feeling that the person who wrote this is condemning the Governing Body in a veiled way. Could a rebellion in the wrting department be coming soon?
I disagree and agree at the same time. I think this is a stepping stone to
downgrading the anointed to an insignificant or symbolic group. It will be
referenced in the near future as the beginning of a "new light" that only the
chosen ones of the Governing Body are "anybody special" that receives
Holy Spirit. Or, as commented, it could condemn the entire FDS and
the GB. I personally think that they are going to put the GB into the
place of FDS and exclude the anointed, separating the terms as they
have started to do here- anointed who turned out to be not so 'discreet' and
the virgins from that group who turned out 'faithful and discreet.'But, as commented, the writing dept. could have slipped this in to attack
the entire doctrinal nonsense. I am amazed to learn how this organization
really works, and how the "spirit-directed" writings are really just research
from the 'cut-and-paste' writing department. I have read about differences
between departments showing up in the writings.Either way, the organization is divided against itself.