Mrs. Flipper was curious about this , because I have two daughters still in the org. that take it seriously. My son 22 is like me and faded from the org. So give us your opinion . In regards to premarital sex, early marriage, education,shunning disfellowshipped people,other things considered off limits, do you think a lot of teenagers/ early 20's do this stuff, or are they devoted to the organization? Thanks, Peace, Mr. Flipper.
Do Witness Teenagers take the Organization's Rules Seriously?
by flipper 30 Replies latest jw friends
troubled mind
My 25 yr old is still a JW along w/his wife ..BUT they pick and choose what rules they follow . Since he was 16 he has had an open mind and could see that all the society preaches is not written in stone for him . He faded for about a year , but went back to meetings for his wife since they moved across country and had no friends yet ,so they went were they felt they fit in :( My 23 yr. old was very unquestioning about the borg and felt he should follow accordingly. Our fade has caused him to "lose faith" a bit in the Borg and is now missing meetings alot , yet he gets defensive if I say anything , so I'm patiently waiting for the oppurtune time . The 19 yr. old has a loving caring heart , but has never liked people putting restrictions on him . So at 18 he quit going . He HATES everything about Jdum . He use to read the bible on his own . Ever since a bad episode with Elders and general congrgational gossiping about him he now feels all religion is bogus . More than half of their JW friends took organizational rules as a challenge to hide and get away with as much as possible .
hum--I wonder. I'm never around JW youths, but I hear many, many are leaving. I supposethere are still many who are "good" Jws also and if just out of fear of Jehovah tow the line, too bad. I met my niece for the first time (my brothers daughter) who is 20 now. My brother is still a JW, raised his two kids as such, but both kids are both out of "the truth" and seem a little lost now.
I know from my own experience that the more you talk about how bad it is to "sin" the more you want to "sin" because so much attention is given to negetive thoughts. It's the worst way to teach kids, as far as I'm concerned.
ONLY if they get caught.
I know someone who had premarital sex. They took it super hard, but the one they did it with didnt seem to mind as much...
But all my teenage freinds are just fine submitting in *nearly* every way. Nobody wants to leave, which struck me as odd, since apparently everywhere else in the country, teenagers do want to leave. -
What minimus said.
I never did, I am 21 I left when I was 17. Most of the things that I did wrong were direct results of getting in trouble for something else. For example, a lot of kids my age would be just hanging out, not doing anything wrong. and then someones parent would call and yell at them. I would say well.. if we are going to get into trouble we might as well do something to deserve it. (of course kissing someone or drinking was usually all we would do)
..NO!..Kids are kids,they push the limits..Experiment..WBT$ dosen`t like kids much...OUTLAW
the kids in my cong. are a bunch of tight-asses. they won't even go to a R-rated movie. losers.