Here's my self-centered little update post. After seeing all the hardships so many here are enduring, it helps put my little "problems" into perspective. But I'm posting this lil' update anyway, not because I want the attention or want people to feel sorry for me, but because I feel a strong connection to this board and the people here and every so often want to let y'all know what is up with me, and indirectly, what is up with Mike/OpenFireGlass, as he is not (at the moment) interested in spending any time online. I get PM's periodically from people interested in how Mike is doing.
Things here are OK - Mike and I are doing really well, but it's sort of ironic how we ended up doing so well. We've had to face some serious (to us) trials lately, and we have naturally pulled together through them. It's been nice. We made a pact that we are just going to do what we have to do and to pull together and have each other and ourselves in our best interest and to just make the life we want together. We are more in love than we have ever been, and I just feel so [I don't even know what word to put here but it's good] to have someone with the qualities that Mike does in my life.So recent events: first my car got broken into while Mike and I were at a walk at the beach with my sister and her boyfriend who were out for a visit from Wisconsin. The two drivers side windows were completely busted out and my sister's and my purses stolen. This happened on a Friday late afternoon/early evening. My sister and her boyfriend were supposed to board a flight home on Monday so we spent the weekend frantically trying to get photocopies of identifying documentation so that my sister would be allowed to board. With the ever-increasing airport security, this was a total nightmare. We couldn't get the police report until Monday morning and even then we had to come in, make a special request, plead our case as to why it was a rush, and then wait and hope. We were able to get it, and Mike and I drove them down to San Francisco, about 5-6 hours each way in a rental car since my car wasn't safely driveable, got them on their plane, and then drove home that same night - so about 12 hours of driving all in one day - because I had to work the next day. The next day the stress and anxiety and self-guilt-and-blame of the weekend's events added up to give me a horrible headache, so I had to call into work and sleep it off, then return the rental car and then fortunately I was able to get into work by noon for half a day of work. Wednesday being Independence Day so everything was closed, and that was tough because of all the anxiety wrapped around bank accounts that I don't really have access to because of having to freeze them and then eventually close them but being unable to do so because of the holiday, and bills being due. The next day I woke up to the excruciating realization that I had developed a urinary tract infection but couldn't call into work AGAIN, so I got to work and then called the clinic. They couldn't get me in until the next day so I had to suffer through Thursday. Mike brought me cranberry juice and food to eat and checked up on me several times during the day, which is his general attentive sweet nature. I was able to get into the clinic Friday, and I'm on antibiotics and starting to feel much better. Mike and I also went to my insurance office and got the car stuff started, put in a claim, and then got an estimate and made an apointment at an auto glass shop. My windows should be replaced on Monday. Things are starting to get better. But then add to that our roommate is giving us lots of trouble, so we are looking for our own place. It's just been super hectic. But the good news is Mike and I have been in it together and when we make decisions, it's together and it's what is best for us, not just one or the other. It's been so nice to feel like I truly have a partner in all of this. He is really a wonderful friend, partner, person. I am so fortunate that we have found each other, as I think I'm pretty great too. I'm doing my very best to support him through his things too. I think we are really getting into our groove of what works the best for us as a couple, and really enjoying each other.
Well that's it, I guess. Well, it's enough anyway.