Hi Folks
Some of the posts I saw here today put me in mind to ask this question. It seems like JWs more than most would be or could soon be dependent upon some form of government largesse (medicaid, social security, welfare, food stamps....) far beyond their own contribution to the till, as it were. How is theis looked at in the org?
There is also the subject of illegal aliens here in the US. Not necessarily everybody, but Non tax paying, identity fraud, burden on society ones, on food stamps and welfare from day one. (There are plenty - I know, I was an INS officer for many years.....). I remember getting coffee in Los Angeleson Saturday once with a buddy and I saw a family of four JWs, looked as illegal as anything walking with their gigantic Spanish bibles and watchtowers with their noses up in the air, walking down the street among us sinners like a pageant. I almost spat my coffee out in laugther. They looked utterly ridiculous and clearly not supposed to be there. Is being basically a criminal OK in the Truth?
Don Tomas