Because I like spin-off discussion...

by joannadandy 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    I tend to be a pretty positive guy.

    But I find the indoctrination sneaks up on me when I least expect it.

    That's all I'm saying.

  • joannadandy

    NVR - I've been away from the board for a while, so I'm sure I've missed your story, how long have you been "out"?

  • DJK

    I've been out for 33 years. I don't feel I'll ever feel "right."

    I never believed in the truth, my father was and still is strong in it.

    He expressed his disapproval in my leaving the org. He expressed his disapproval of my first marraige. He has shown no interest in his grandchildren. Now he shows no interest in his great grandchildren. It hurts like hell. The hurt always finds a way of coming back.

    I can understand how some may never feel right.

  • nvrgnbk

    Haven't really put it out there yet joannadandy.

    Just bits and pieces.

    I will soon though.


  • joannadandy
    I can understand how some may never feel right.

    Agreed DJK.

    In fact, I am guessing not too distant in my past I did feel like I would forever be broken and haunted. Luckily - I don't feel like that anymore...but I do stress the lucky part.

    Anyway - it was just something I was thinking about and was curious to get a general sense of what others were feeling on the subject.

  • Terri_OS
    Anyway - it was just something I was thinking about and was curious to get a general sense of what others were feeling on the subject.

    i'll get the hang of this quoting thingy eventually! Jo, i just wanted to say, I think you are great! You get the big thumbs up from me! i'm looking for a huggy, wait.... can't find one sorry! (((Joannandy))))) I like the way your brain works! lol! xxxxx

  • BFD

    I have days when I feel more "right" than others. But still to this day thoughts about Armageddon creep into my mind and I know that's not "right".

    There are days when I feel like I can handle recovery by myself and other days when I think I'll need a professional to help me sort out my feelings. BTW- It's been over 30 years since I was DF'd but I only recently learned the truth about the truth.


  • joannadandy

    Aww shucks - thanks Terri...*huggles back*

  • mrsjones5

    Maybe cuz I was born it. I can't turn that jw radar off. I'm so far away from it in my life, yep gone worldly, but it's still there and manifests itself in my friendships. I don't make friends easily and when I do I tend to keep them at arms length even when I really like them.

  • joannadandy

    Mrsjones -

    I guess it all boils down to scope. As ex-jw's I guess we'll never know if "Am I reacting this way because I was raised a witness, or because I'm just a flawed human who has things to work on?"

    I think that's what can make it hard. Losing our frame of refrence for personal-experiences. Our barometer of "normal" gets taken and shifted. I guess I feel lucky that I get to pace that out for myself. True it's not a fresh slate, but it's a slate I am allowed to erase and re-write on how I see fit.

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