Religious book seller struck by lightning - could it have been a JW?

by Gopher 22 Replies latest social current

  • Odrade

    "I'd be happy to leave it with you for a small donation to help with the costs of the World Wide Education Work." If you heard that (and had never been a JW,) wouldn't you think #1: Selling, #2: Fundraising, #3: Raising money for school?

    Sounds plausible to me that it was a JW. There is a branch in Puerto Rico, isn't there?- and certainly many congregations. A non-JW might not understand the distinction between KH, Branch, and Headquarters.

  • bigdreaux

    true odrade, i just think the way it's phrased doesn't sound like a witness. we all know they are like tape recorders. lol

  • Odrade

    Dunno, their "leader" sounded awfully callous: "but what can we do? Things happen in life, but we still believe in God." Seems most faith-based organizations would be more emotional: "we're all praying for him and his family..." etc. Instead this is like *shrug* things happen.

    Sad, regardless.

  • bigdreaux

    it does say it's a puerto rico based group. i don't think they would've put that if it were witnesses. uhhhh why are we even talking about this? lol

  • Gopher

    I've been unable to find any update on this story. The Miami Herald website was no help.

    I'm just suspicious because Gary and I heard the same report, that the injured man was a JW.

    This is just too coincidental. Lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place!!

  • ApostasyDuJour

    The only time I heard anything about this was on the ABC World News radio broadcast at 3:00 AM -- I work third shift. The commentator clearly stated that the man was "A Jehovah's Witness." Considering the JW folklore that has passed around for years about JWs being "protected" while out in field service, I wonder if the Society had this story quickly quashed/changed?

  • Backed away
    Backed away

    Makes sense to me, the witnesses are always waiting on "new light"ning from Jehovah

  • ApostasyDuJour

    For what it's worth, the name of the ABC News Radio commentator who reported on it is Brad Wheeless. I looked all over the internet trying to get his email address but can't find a darned thing on him. Maybe someone with a bit more internet savvy than I can find it and email him to try to find out what the real deal is.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Just wait until next time!! LOL

  • Dragonlady76

    Lightning on a clear sky......yikes , what are the chances of that happening....maybe he was up to no good or he did something BAD.

    Karma's a bitch.

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