Have you self-published through Lulu.com?

by alias 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • monophonic

    another option is developing a small indie press as some sort of collective here since there seems to be enough writers and interest

    it would take investment, some organization, but i think it would be beneficial in terms of credibility and publicity....and devoting all the attention to one book at a time.

    there are people who can make more money self publishing, but money isn't the only issue...if it's less money from a large publisher, but they're selling 3000 of your books instead of 1000, there's 2000 more readers, which breeds more readers and sets up your next book....and there's always the publicity machine of doing a book tour, getting on talk shows, doing newspaper and magazine interviews, etc.

    and you're not paying out of pocket for the expense of editors, printing, etc.

    and remember, it's all about the rewrite and editing....you may end up rewriting your work 30 times....you may end up rewriting your work until you want to vomit b/c you've read and reread the damn piece so many times....it's all a part of what most authors have to go through.

    i have experience as a small press and writing and getting published, so if the small press collective option mentioned above is of interest to anyone i'd be happy to help as an advisor.

  • alias

    Thank you, Nathan. Books are the way we share pieces of ourselves, and I know many a former-JW has much to say!

    Monophonic, thank you too for your thoughtful input. The book I'm working on is not JW-related and is more of a compilation of some humor writings and art I've done over the years, which is why I'm looking at self-publishing. Who knows, maybe I should be thinking Far Side!

    Hortensia, your input is invaluable as well. I am a graphic artist and have noted your recommendations. Thank you everyone, your input is most appreciated!


  • monophonic

    hi alias,

    glad to help.

    btw, if you've done some decent humor writing, i suggest seeking an agent before self publishing. most people suck at humor, if you can nail it even 5% of the time, you'll have no problem getting published. keep that in mind. imo, lulu.com does not forward your career, i've seen that first hand, and it may even damage it....so try and get with the professionals first.

    and when i say professional, my tongue is deep in my cheek since most are clueless, but they go to lunch meetings with the 'right' people on the authors' behalfs.

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