well the roses that grow in tyler are much prettier. but we had them in mineola also. i hate that town actually. too many bad memories. but pretty flowers.
"OH, the weather outside is frightful"
by horrible life 19 Replies latest jw friends
horrible life
I am sick of rain. It has rained here for at least 2 weeks straight. Everything is saturated. The UPS parcel man said today, that he got stuck 6 times Friday. They hired a wrecker, to just haul out UPS trucks for the day.
Lake Texoma, is the 5th largest lake in the US. It also has a dam. It has gone over the spillway. It reached its crest yesterday at 640.5 feet.
horrible life
I understand bad memories, and towns. My ex-husband lives in a town 60 miles away. Have to drive through it once in awhile. Can't go around it. I just drive, and don''t even look around. And if my husband is driving, I close my eyes. I know to many, that sound stupid, but as you said, bad memories, and you associate the whole town with them.
Sad emo
Stay safe HL.
We've had too much rain here too - the last couple of days haven't been bad but we have more forecast to arrive on Thursday. I live on high ground so I'm not prone to flooding but thousands of folks only about 40 miles away have lost their homes and everything, they're still living in community centres 2-3 weeks after the initial flooding. It's causing a lot of bother with the government because usually the army would be sent in to help clean up and repair - but this time there is no help because the army are elsewhere
horrible life
Thanks everybody, Its morning, and still raining. I just heard that many streets are flooded, and the highway I take to work, some areas the water is running over the road. So, I will take the pay road to work, and drive a little further. But,,everything is GREEN!
Stay dry Emo I miss your other avatar HL (just gotta change my name)
Damn I wish some of that rain would come this was...tired of looking at my burnt grass
i can't believe texoma ran over! my grandparents have a cabin up there and i don't think i've ever seen it flood. that's amazing. stay safe!
Yah we had tons of rain last week . Don't need anymore , too bad it doesn't head west where all the fires are tearing up hundreds of thousands of acerage. I thought I almost got struck by lightning , it was pretty freaky to see a bolt come right at me but seem to just miss me .
Jehobah, will get you next time.
You know Horrible, where I live there a rarely thunderstorms or lightening-----ever.
Maybe every three or so you will see lightening on a winter night.
I have to buy CDs with thunder sounds and cracks of lightening!