I arrived back home yesterday afternoon. The ride was really good. Traveling on the bike is great therapy. I met Gary Buss in South Dakota and Uninformed and his family in Kansas. Thanks for the breakfasts, Gary and Brant. I really enjoyed your company. The states I made on this trip were Minnesota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, and back to Minnesota. Basically I went from home to Jackson, Wy to Durango, CO, to Denver, to Kansas City, and then home again. I had one close call with a car in Vernal, Utah (driver at a stop sign talking on a cell phone didn't look my way before pulling out. It was a tight squeeze.). Speaking of Utah, I stopped at the Flaming Gorge Dam (it was 100+ degrees when I was there and I felt like I was on fire) and read an entry in the visitors book. It said something like, "An amazing place. What a blessing from Jehovah God." Rather an odd comment about a hydroelectric dam. After I had left it occurred to me that I should have drawn an arrow and written freeminds.org or something. But I was dehydrated and road weary so I didn't think of it in time. Anyway, the trip was fun but it was good to get home and fall asleep in my own bed with a cool Lake Superior breeze blowing through the window. I'm hoping to do one more ride late summer or early fall. I need to get a few more miles on before the warranty expires. Heres a couple of photos from the trip.
Southern MN farm country
Somewhere on the Plains
Nearing the Teton Range, WY (barely see them in the distance)
Horses encounter Iron Horse, Colorado
Mountain riding is a blast
Mr and Mrs Uninformed
Fat guys and their Harleys