Do you think the wtbts made a mistake in suing the quotes site owner? I think doing such was a huge mistake on their part, and here's why:
1) They were not able to bury the information. The site is available to anyone who wants to look a little bit. Simply because the original Quotes owner can not host the site, didn't stop the site from being reproduced in different lands under different laws. In effect, the information was not contained.
2)In my opinion, the public will not view kindly an organization who sues in order to cover up its own literature. The beauty of the Quotes site still exists--it was all direct quotations with labeled references. Instead of confronting their past, the wtbts attempted to cover it up--never a wise public movement.
These two points seem self evident and obvious, and I'm sure the wtbts must have considered them before filing suit. This makes me conclude that I must be overlooking some aspect. What do you all think?