Apologize here....

by Mum 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mum

    Our fun-loving friend, nvrgnbk, has turned somber and apologized for "everything." I, too, am an unwitting transgressor and owe many apologies, mostly for things I'm sure I don't even remember I did.

    Let us all apologize here, and then begin an absolution thread, so we've all cleared the air and everyone is forgiven by everyone else.

    I'll start:

    I'm sorry.



  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    I'm I missing something??? why is everyone saying sorry? OK I understand if you take the next couple months knocking on all the doors you used to knock on to push magazines, and tell them your sorry!

  • Mum

    My reason is that nvr thinks he did something so grievous that he doesn't "fit in here." If he did, we all did. I, too, am trying to be helpful, but I'm not always good at choosing the appropriate way to do it.



  • Warlock

    Where the hell are all those that should apologise to me?????

    Come on, y'all, I'm a waitin'.


  • AlphaOmega

    I'm sorry Warlock...

    I'm sorry for all those moments that we never shared together,

    I'm sorry that you have such a cool avatar,

    I'm sorry that you have the sole right to use that flappy-bat thing and I feel guilty when my cursor even hovers over it,

    Hang on... the last two are jealousy...

    Oh well, the first should do it.

  • Finally-Free

    I have nothing to apologize for. I am perfect.


  • Life Is Grand
    Life Is Grand

    Things are getting a leeetle bit weird around here the past couple of days...hmmm....

  • mrsjones5

    I'm sorry I fell a sleep on my hubby last night

    Hubby please forgive me

  • BFD

    I'm sorry I read this thread.


    Edited: There is someone I would like to apologize to. It's renee. I came down really hard on her grandparents after they sent back her wedding invitation. I should not have done that. I was having a bad day and the insensitive way they treated her put me over the top. Sorry I disrespected your grandparents, renee.


  • BizzyBee

    I, personally, am very sorry. For, you know, that thing I did. OK, it was a long time ago, but still. I hope I am forgiven. I mean, I should be forgiven, I think. It certainly wasn't as bad as things that others have done. Like, gawd! Just for one.........Gumbastard. You know he has that thing about........well.....you know! And, of course, nvr..........that goes without saying..........almost. Just sayin'. I could go on, but just thinkin' about it all........I'm startin' to feel........I don't know.............offended..........you know?

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