Rocco is my bird.
by badboy 22 Replies latest jw friends
Rocco is my bird.
I used to pick the best spots when out in the ministry. Normally it would be on the suniest side of the street and this rover would never cross over.Also left my worries on the doorstep.So just direct my feet.
It is fine to pick your spots if you pour the blood out onto the ground and sacrifice a lamb afterwards. You will, however, be unclean for 7 days times 7 afterwards, during which time you will not be allowed to lay with your husband. After that you must rub ashes on your skin, tear your clothing, and beg the elders for mercy. You will be granted mercy if you place 300 Creation books and clean the kh bathrooms for a year.
LMAO! Thanks for the laugh, rebs!
ARE JWS ALLOWED TO PICK SPOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????
PICKING A SPOT INVOLVES DRAWING BLOOD,THEREFORE SHOULD A JW PICK SPOTS? Not if it interferes with meetings or going door to door. If you dont like that answer, wait a few minutes the light might get brighter.
It's all good, as long as you don't eat it.
***Oh great! We've talked about manure. Bring on the zit popping.**
Aye, aye, rebel. :–)
I love squeezing a nice juicy spot/pimple. I love it when the stuff coming out is nice and long and stringy.
stillajwexelder "I love squeezing a nice juicy spot/pimple. I love it when the stuff coming out is nice and long and stringy"
what is it with women and popping pimple, my wife is allways searching for them on my back, on my name it! and my daughters hear me yelling out with pain at nights lol
i like when zits are so tight, you can hear them pop when you squeeze them.