....he'd be saying "Waaaeeell, Boutros Boutros Ghali. I'll say; Don't this ngo thang jist take the cake?!!
If Andy Griffith Was an Elder....
by SixofNine 20 Replies latest jw friends
Of course Aunt Bea is waiting in the sidelines, quietly packing her clothes and wiping the soundless tears from her eyes. Knowing that Andy does not need her cake anymore.
Victoria Cruz
....he'd be saying "Waaaeeell, Boutros Boutros Ghali. I'll say; Don't this ngo thang jist take the cake?!!.
LOL... to funny. It reminded me of yesterday when I told a Southern brother about it on the phone at work and gave him the link. I heard silence then the clicking of his mouse then he said, "well aint that some shiiiit."
Victoria Cruz
BTW... SixOfNine, your handle looks so familar. Are you on Yahoo or AOL?
D wiltshire
Barney Fife would caution Andy not to read any apostate literature about the WT being a NGO of the UN because they might have Anthraxs spores on them, "well you just can't be too carefull Andy", Barney would say.
If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
ole' Otis is always gettin us into trouble. Ats why we let him write fer the Awake to keep him out of the way. Barney better get your bullet out, somebody might have to take a fall for this one......
Gomer would say "shazam" and then break into a hearty baritone rendition of "Forward You Witnesses."
Poor Opie is walking home from school, stops to go fishing and contemplates if this is the "real" truth.
Victoria...LOL too funny I lived in the south for years before I could actually understand them
wendyBlind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins
D wiltshire
If Andy were an elder you wouldn't have to worry about getting DF'd for drunkness just spend the night in the county jail house(unlocked).
Just don't wake Barney.If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
If,Andy was an elder,Barney would run BETHEL!