I'm thinking this morning at the enormous effort required to leave the Witnesses. That you all found your way here is amazing. You are a select group of strong people, who will not allow life or any organization to knock you down. Any more.
Here's some things you have overcome.
- You had to face your own self-deception.
- You owned up to your mistake and came to terms with the years wasted on a senseless cause.
- You disobeyed the society and went on the internet, doing your own independent research.
- Some of you risked losing friends and family - your entire social network - to leave.
- Some of you live with deep regret for decisions made as a witness.
- Some of you lost financially by living by your choice.
- You shed the tears then picked yourself up and started over, some twenty years later than average folks. Some of you even enroll in college and get yourself educated for the first time.
- You fight bitterness, loneliness and depression.
You've woken up, you are more self-aware than most people on the planet. You won't be taken in by marketing schemes ever again. You are painfully sensitive to the horrors of rejection and as a consequence, are more compassionate.
You are strong people, and I am honored to be in your company.