For Lurkers Only

by nvrgnbk 110 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nvrgnbk

    Are you an active Jehovah's Witness?

    I was when I found this place.

    This place, JWD, didn't change that.

    I knew that so many things were wrong with the Organization. I was an elder. Deeply involved.

    Lurking in the shadows here just confirmed what my brain was trying to tell me all along.

    I read accounts of men and women from all over the globe, that were my accounts.

    They had lived what I had lived. I had lived their lives as well.

    The paranoia instilled by the Organization is so intense, I would sometimes think it was all a dream.

    All that I read here.

    I would think, "Wow, to what lengths has Satan gone!"

    Sorry. It hurts. But it's all real.

    The unhappiness you feel as a Jehovah's Witness, you know, the one you can't talk about, was felt by all of us.

    We're not all magically happy now that we realize that we were dedicated to a lie, a dream, an illusion.

    How could we be?

    It's a cliche, but it's true. The truth hurts.

    The good news is, once you see past the propaganda, the delusions of the Organization, you can try to create a reality-based life.

    We're here for you, when you're ready to do that.

    If you're not, that's ok too.

    We understand.

    The simple fact that you made it here means that you'll be ok.

    Take your time.

    You are already becoming free mentally.

    That's how it starts.

    Best wishes to you,


  • z

    About freaking time welcome home dude!!!

  • JH

    I'm no lurker but that opening post was just marvellous and so honest.

    Me neither, It,s not JWD that changed me. I knew something was wrong in the Watchtower Org.

  • nvrgnbk

    Thanks z!

    You're a real friend.

    You must get a kick out of us ex-JWs. LOL!

    Take care,


  • Open mind
    Open mind
    This place, JWD, didn't change that.

    Well placed line early in your post. I think it might help a lurker to keep reading a few more lines..................

    before realizing that you're from......................................


    Just teezin' Nvr. Great post. Glad to have you back.

    Open Mind

    p.s. My beer?

  • free2think

    Wow nate, that was so moving. It was the same for me too, when i first came to jwd, it didnt change my mind, i already knew it wasn't right.

    It's good to have you back.

  • z

    Nope must time I don’t get a kick must time I like to bang my had on the wall and say how this s*** still going on around the world how can it be

    My world if a rabbi come and tell me not to have oral sex I’ll tell him to go and f*** himself right in his face or not to talk to some ppl he can go and screw his a**

  • brinjen

    OK, you're posting and starting threads, you've kept your 'agreement', good to see,

    As promised, here's your kitten back alive and well....


    Good to have you back bro!

  • nvrgnbk

    p.s. My beer?

    Just as soon as I make it to Uzbekistan Open mind.

    Thanks f2t!

    Z, remember what I told you you are in my email? That stands! LOL! Too bad I can't say it here.

    I love the way you think man!

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Lurkers,

    I agree with the post above! We are glad you are here, and unlike what you have been told, it is not the mainly weak or those who have commited unrepentant sins who are leaving and being expelled from the organization. Thousands are leaving each year from all over the world because of what they are discovering. Those strong and deeply entreanched, Elders, Pioneers, Circuit Overseers, District Overseers, Bethalites, and even those who are Anointed, are all discovering the truth about the "truth". Once you realize that it is not what you thought, Jehovah expects you to "make sure of ALL things" including what you are discovering about the organization.

    Please be reassured in knowing that because you leave the organization does not mean you leave Jehovah or Jesus. Yes some have, but definately NOT the majority. Usually those that have, are those that have been so hurt by the deception they have discovered, that they "throw the baby out with the bathwater" so to speak. Many in time rekindle their belief in God and Jesus. In the Bible the only ones who were considered Apostates were those who were the "Anti-Christ" (those who reject Christ Jesus). The Bible says nothing of those who reject a organization. So be reassured in knowing that just because the majority here have rejected the organization, and Not Jesus we would not be considered "Apostates" according to the Bible.

    The organization is in great fear of the Internet because it is such a useful tool in doing research. They are scared to death because they are losing such large amounts of people after they discover things they have been trying to keep away from the average Witness. That is why they also label all of us who ask questions about what we found "Apostates". It is that they fear the truth being exposed. But really, what is there to fear if you have the truth? Only if there is something to hide is there fear. Jehovahs Witnesses are not afraid to knock on doors of unbelievers, to talk and share feelings, beliefs and opinions, so why fear those who have once been Witnesses? Timothy 1:7 says," For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and love and of a sound mind." Yet they are afraid to talk with someone who has been labeled an apostate. Why?? Because they know too much, and the Society is fearful we may share it with you and then you may share it with your loved ones etc.. See the domino effect??

    It is our sincere desire that you are informed and are fully aware of the things being hidden from you. Then with full knowledge, you make your decision, no matter what it may prove to be. To stay or to leave, what ever you feel is the right thing to do. Remember, if you indeed have the truth, it will stand up under ANYTHING, and there should be nothing to fear no matter what it is you ask. In the end, when your research is complete, if you have the "truth", you will be only faith strengthened by an examination of it.


    Lady Liberty

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