Are you an active Jehovah's Witness?
I was when I found this place.
This place, JWD, didn't change that.
I knew that so many things were wrong with the Organization. I was an elder. Deeply involved.
Lurking in the shadows here just confirmed what my brain was trying to tell me all along.
I read accounts of men and women from all over the globe, that were my accounts.
They had lived what I had lived. I had lived their lives as well.
The paranoia instilled by the Organization is so intense, I would sometimes think it was all a dream.
All that I read here.
I would think, "Wow, to what lengths has Satan gone!"
Sorry. It hurts. But it's all real.
The unhappiness you feel as a Jehovah's Witness, you know, the one you can't talk about, was felt by all of us.
We're not all magically happy now that we realize that we were dedicated to a lie, a dream, an illusion.
How could we be?
It's a cliche, but it's true. The truth hurts.
The good news is, once you see past the propaganda, the delusions of the Organization, you can try to create a reality-based life.
We're here for you, when you're ready to do that.
If you're not, that's ok too.
We understand.
The simple fact that you made it here means that you'll be ok.
Take your time.
You are already becoming free mentally.
That's how it starts.
Best wishes to you,