An Assembly "Experience"-and the rest of the story

by CaptainSchmideo 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • CaptainSchmideo

    A brother was on the program for the Saturday afternoon session as one of those "life experiences" interviews. Tells the tale about how he left a lucrative, well paying position to "help where the need was greater." Moved from a major metropolitan area to a congregation in the rurals, was told by managers that the job he was going to was "a dead end". Proudly told about the time he spent in "the unassigned territories", helping out this small congregation. Oh, and the job ended up paying him MORE than his old one. Wasn't Jehovah's blessing wonderful?!!!! (clapclapclapclap).

    And now, the rest of the story: This congregation was in an area that was mostly rural, with small towns scattered at least 45 minutes away from each other, in an area that could charitably be called "depressed". I know that the congo was constantly in need of help covering its territory, because the membership was small, and the territory was HUGE in area. There were several times when my Hall was asked to assist in a "special day" of rural work.

    So, when they introduced this brother at the beginning of the part, it was "xxxxx from the yyyyyy congregation". It was NOT the same congregation he had moved to in his story. Why? Because it has been dissolved, due to lack of membership! Anyone who knew this brother personally, like me, knew this! Oops! I guess that little fact wasn't important to the story. This bro goes to help where the need was greater, and Jah blesses him with a bigger check, but all his help was for naught.

    Then there was the 35 year old sister who still lives at home with her parents, pioneering. But that's a different vent.

    Gawd, do I hate these sales conventions assemblies

  • Elsewhere
    Then there was the 35 year old sister virgin and chronic masterbater.
  • looking_glass

    I think there is often a revision to most parts. I remember when I was used on a couple of those testimonials and they changed the story slightly to make it more compelling.

    Now you know what those stories remind me of, the 700 Club. Once and a great while I will be flipping thru channels and I will pause on the 700 Club and they start telling stories about how people who were down on their luck decided to send in a pledge and then they were blessed with things greater then they ever thought.

    Religion ... it is a snare and a racket!

  • Elsewhere

    The CO asked me to gave an "experience" at an assembly too... even though I explained to him that, ultimately, nothing ever came of it.

    He told me that the end result was not important and instead I should end my story with the "good sounding" mid point sounding like the conclusion.

    I reluctantly gave my "experience" even though it was a lie.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty



  • WTWizard

    I bet that the whole thing was a fake. What they do is have the same old worn-out story about how someone made sacrifice to move where the "need" is greater, usually a job sacrifice but it could be any of a number of other things. The script is prepared word for word by the Puketower Society--they have a department that is solely responsible for such matters. Then it was memorized and recited word for word as if the person actually did that.

    The truth is that anyone who actually did that would always end up poor. They would toil for hours on end, their health would suffer, and usually they didn't feel any actual blessing when someone fell for the scam. The real truth is that we are in fact living in a material world. No amount of being told to forgo material things can change that, since in a material world, it is material things that provide some measure of pleasure and comfort. And when you give that up, your health is likely to suffer. At the very least, you are going to find yourself giving things up and not getting back the equivalent value in return. The whole thing is yet another scam--I will never believe any experiences from that organization again, no matter how sincere they might sound or how many testimonials they provide to back it up.

  • neverendingjourney

    I can't think of any experience given at an assembly that I had first-hand knowledge of the real facts that wasn't fudged in some way to make it seem more appealing, including my own. I gave an experience at an assembly where I said I had passed up scholarships to go to college so I could pioneer. I was never offered a scholarship, but I was told about organizations that offered scholarships that I could contact. My part sounded much better if I left that out. I remember "model families" being interviewed that were complete wrecks, but they were paraded around as role models for everyone else to follow. If they were really honest, they'd follow up with these folks the following year and see how things had gone. But you wouldn't want the "friends" discovering the real truth, now would you?

  • MinisterAmos

    How about my experience Bros?

    TWO couple and one single Bro left Bethel because "the need was great" at my ex-congo. The second set had JUST found an Apt, and signed the lease when the congo was dissolved (IE: the Bros were re-assigned to other congos) leaving those five, and several others, in a strange city with no mo' congo.

    Sucks to one of the obediant ones, but they really live for that kind of drama. Guess they feel they are earning points with the Big guy.

  • RollerDave

    I always thought there was some pretty fishy shit going on in those phoney baloney ASSembly parts, but never had proof until I met all you guys, I sure am glad I did.

    Roller (sheep very drunk in class)

  • carla

    I have commented to my jw who believes all the stories at the assemblies, yet all your (apostate) stories are lies and/or highly embellished. He cannot see of course because jw's have no need to lie about these things . Hard to believe I am talking to an adult sometimes.

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