A brother was on the program for the Saturday afternoon session as one of those "life experiences" interviews. Tells the tale about how he left a lucrative, well paying position to "help where the need was greater." Moved from a major metropolitan area to a congregation in the rurals, was told by managers that the job he was going to was "a dead end". Proudly told about the time he spent in "the unassigned territories", helping out this small congregation. Oh, and the job ended up paying him MORE than his old one. Wasn't Jehovah's blessing wonderful?!!!! (clapclapclapclap).
And now, the rest of the story: This congregation was in an area that was mostly rural, with small towns scattered at least 45 minutes away from each other, in an area that could charitably be called "depressed". I know that the congo was constantly in need of help covering its territory, because the membership was small, and the territory was HUGE in area. There were several times when my Hall was asked to assist in a "special day" of rural work.
So, when they introduced this brother at the beginning of the part, it was "xxxxx from the yyyyyy congregation". It was NOT the same congregation he had moved to in his story. Why? Because it has been dissolved, due to lack of membership! Anyone who knew this brother personally, like me, knew this! Oops! I guess that little fact wasn't important to the story. This bro goes to help where the need was greater, and Jah blesses him with a bigger check, but all his help was for naught.
Then there was the 35 year old sister who still lives at home with her parents, pioneering. But that's a different vent.
Gawd, do I hate these sales conventions assemblies