Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education--2001--PDF--(Approx. 70MB) What does the front cover of this book look like? Click here: Click the link below and when the next page appears scroll down to the bottom of the page and a small (red arrow) will point to the download link. Cheers! Atlantis-
Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education--PDF!
by Atlantis 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
This is a p*^$ poor excuse for "education". First, all you learn is how to replicate the virus called Jehovah's Witnesses. You do not learn anything that can be used to build a livelihood or enrich one's personal development. As if all one really needed to know was how to better defraud others.
The background in this "school" is just as pathetic. I remember in high school (and it was quite small), there were something like 23 rooms and 7 periods. You had classes and study halls, often mixing with students that you only see for that one period. There were outside activities. There were numerous sporting events within the class. Fire drills were not infrequent: usually 3 or 4 per school year. There were also the parties that the school held. Occasionally, you got a substitute teacher. I also had one session as a student teacher, where senior members actually got to teach the class for three days in lieu of their own classes (I got in on that once). This is plenty of the sort of disorder that leads people to mix with each other, and friendships could be formed in this way.
The Theocraptic Misery School, on the other hand, is just one big group. All they do is split the groups into a second school (occasionally, there might be a third school if there are enough machines to do that). The split is always by book study, and you always go with your book study. And it is all from the same boring pool. Activities outside the field misery are non-existent, and there are no mergers or mixing of different congregations. Substitute teachers are rare, and never mean anything anyway. For sure, all boring.
You get no benefit from this crap. There is no academic or personal enrichment benefit. You do not learn or teach value creation. There is no excitement from a sporting or extra-curricular event, acing that Chemistry test, or having a class where you might meet someone exciting because you test out of a class or they &$^# up your class schedule. All the same bulls***. No academic benefit. No personal benefit. And they wonder why I have played hooky every single time since at least mid 2004, if not longer.
Sarah Smiles
There is one benefit, most Jdub are good in sales. Once again it is misleading on the God ruled ministry part! I guess for the youth they might think it is a real school with education. LOL
What I learnt in the TMS was the only benrfit I still use from the JW's.
They taught me how to standup and give talks in public.
I've used that "training" to give talks on the JW's at churches and seminars etc.
I once showed the TMS guidebook to a friend who worked in sales.
His remark was they wished that they had something like it for their salesmen.
Sarah Smiles:
Thank you friends for your comments!
This book was posted due to a 'request" by one of the "moms" here on the board who "share" custody of her daughter, with an "exhusband" who forces their 9 year old to attend the meetings.
The "mom" has never been to a Kingdom Hall and has no desire to go. She wondered what her 9 year old daughter was talking about, when the child kept talking about the "Ministry School" and what kind of information the JWs were feeding her daughter at the meetings.
As anyone can see, this "so-called--education" is nothing more than a good "brain-washing" to become a more effective Watchtower salesman! I have known pastors as well as people in general who have "never" taken any lessons in public speaking and were some of the finest speakers I have ever heard.
This was because they spoke from their heart and really believed in what they were saying, instead of speaking from a "book" thereby turning themselves into a refined robot!
Cheers! Atlantis-
Pure brain rot on those poor dubbies. When I got out of the "TRUTH" I learned calculus. When you ask a JW what a derivative is their eyes will glaze over. Ask a JW what the derivative of x^2 is, chances are their brains will be so full of watchtower sh*t that thay will say "do you know how many JWs are going to heaven?"
All of my JW family members discouraged me from learning calculus (they are still opposed to it) They suggested that I could have an eternity to learn calculus in the new system so why even waste your time with that nonsense.
So says the Watchtower organization! *******************************************
Awake! 1969 May 22 p.15
If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things. Why not? Because all the evidence in fulfillment of Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years. Of the generation that observed the beginning of the 'last days' in 1914, Jesus foretold: 'This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.' Therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system offers. If you are in high school and thinking about a college education, it means at least four, perhaps even six or eight more years to graduate into a specialized career. But where will this system of things be by that time? It will be well on the way towards its finish, if not actually gone! This is why parents who base their lives on God's prophetic Word find it much more practical to direct their young ones into trades that do not require such long periods of additional schooling… True, those who do not understand where we are in the stream of time from God's viewpoint will call this impractical. But which is really practical: preparing yourself for a position in this world that soon will pass away? or working toward surviving this system's end and enjoying eternal life in God's righteous new order?
Cheers! Atlantis-
drew sagan
I remember when this book was 'released' via an announcement at the convention that it would be available in 6 months.
I remember one particular part in the book where it warns to be caucious about using sources and doing research outside of the socities publications. That was an eye opener for me. -
Good point Drew! Please note that the Watchtower has to "include" itself when describing "ever changing fields" concerning topics of science or medicine. This book on page 38 states: *************************************************************************** "If you are considering using current events or material from the ever-changing fields of scienceor medicine, make sure that the information is up-to-date. Realize, too, that some points in older publications of ours may have been updated, so consider what has most recently beenpublished on the topic." "There is a special need to be cautious if you choose to compile information from secularsources." ************************************************************************** Where does the student think the Watchtower gets their information from, if not from secular sources? The Watchtower can not be getting their information from God, because the above quote would imply that God is "not up-to-date if He speaks through the Watchtower! Scan: Cheers! Atlantis-
Thank you, Atlantis !