Why did you get married?
by pratt1 39 Replies latest jw friends
Love....smartist thing I ever did....been rocky here and there...but that's life, eh?....Kathy is as solid as they come...how she could stay with me 37 years is a mystery...I've asked, she says love...Hehhehheh, must be, to put up with a dunce like me....vaugly remember sex being a part of it too...
I have to go with SPAZnik's answer - I was an IDIOT. Also #3 comes in second.
A worldly guy asked me and I said, maybe - some day (non-committal). He studied with a PO and got baptized. By the time I realized I really did not want to marry him it was too late and the CO's wife told me once I was engaged I couldn't change my mind! (Blondie even posted the magazine article for me that was issued a few months before the wedding saying the same thing the CO wife said.)
I felt like I was on a locomotive going downhill with no brakes. Even the attorney I was working for at the time met him one time and told me I shouldn't marry that man! -
I've never been married but I was pretty darn close. I'm so glad I dodged that bullet!
Renee: You were married 3 times when you were 18??? Must have been a busy year!
No!! I was answering to the original question -- the answer was that I got married for reasons 1,2, & 3.
I got married once at 18.. was married until 23.
Then I got married at 25 just two weeks ago. -
I never got married to anyone at the hall THANK GOD. I was certainly pressured to... however, I would have given Lorena Bobbit a chainsaw then spent the night with her before I'd ever marry a JW girl because most of them have family trees you do NOT want to climb.
when I have more time I'll tell you all how I really feel.
PS - if I ever found the right woman I'd love to get married.
I just watched Armageddon movie again and this conversation between Grace and Harry says it all.
Grace Stamper: Listen, Harry, A.J. is my choice - my choice and not yours.
Harry Stamper: He's the only one in your age bracket, Grace. That's not a choice, that's a lack of options. -
In my area it was because of reasons #2 and #3. A lot of 7 month pregnancies in my old congregation .
Well, I was married at 20. Figured I was a grown up since I was a pioneer and m.s. I was VERY emotionally lonely and figured this would solve that. Figured I was in love, maybe I was or maybe mostly infatuated as they say. Also, my privates were lonely. Pretty stupid reasons now that I think of it...
The first time? Because I was 18 and STUPID. He was my first boyfriend, we had "dated" since I was 14, I didn't want to keep living with my parents(not because they were difficult, but because I wanted to be on my own), I didn't want to pioneer and thought I'd be pressured too much if I was single, I thought I had found my "prince" (turned out to be a slimy toad) and I thought I was in love (hah) It was 9 years of emotional abuse. Oh, and the sex thing probably figured in there too. I had plenty of doubts before the deed was done, but was too young to put those into words and action. Plus, we had battled half the congregation over our right to a relationship, been treated like we were df'd by the people who disagreed with my parents allowing us to have a relationship before I was 18 and it was a pride thing- to let them see that they hadn't won and we got married despite all their efforts to stop us.
The second time? Because I found a person I could share my life with, who loves me for who I am-the good and the bad, and who I feel the same way about, and I could not be happier. Through ups and downs, life is good, and that is what it is all about.