How Did the Watchtower Piss You Off?

by nvrgnbk 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • wonderwoman

    I just started reading that book by Diane Wilson - The Awakening of a JW and I am finding myself getting angry at the WTS because of the mind control and the responsibility to "tell" on others (among other things). I can relate to each and everything in the book so far and the anger rises again.

    Just the stupid mentality of the organization drones and never being good enough. Its exhausting and maddening.


  • jaguarbass

    They spread lies and miss information and then deny it.

  • frankiespeakin

    When I first found out the WT was a lying piece of shit, my rage was great though managable, the anger made me strong and ready to do battle. and I did, never hurt anyone, but was thinking about it. To keep my anger in check and at the same time give it some release I would go on these long walks in the woods and scream curses, climb up and down hills sometimes covering 20+ miles(according to my pedometer). that lasted about a year.

    I started to read up on psychedelics and decided this would be a good way to get all the 29 yrs of programming out of my subconscioous, and I did lots of different ones usually at large doses and deep in the woods just in case I flipped out. Eventually my anger and programming, became minimal, today I hardly feel any anger, and insteady feel sorry for the bunch of losers. I guess it is all a process we have to go thru and deal with it the best we know how.

  • Tigerman

    Having to deal with arrogant, self-righteous, know-it-all, power hungry, haughty,disdainful,

    proud,egotistical, conceited,vain,pompous,inflated,self-

    assured,proud,aloof,gaudy,impudent,pretentious,domineering whimps who called themselves elders.

  • Tigerman

    Did I mention " proud" ?

  • zagor

    Thats's funny I just wanted to post a thread to that effect but couldn't post a second thread today apparently.

    Here's just today's story ....

    Just spoke to my sis on the phone. In my old congo there's a lady in her late 70's who needs some help around the house which may cost a couple hundred bucks, and a comment was made by an elder to first see if she is "deserving of it" i.e. What her conduct was like, during her lifetime I presume, to determine if a dying woman should be helped. I wonder if he thinks the same of his mother.

    The sad thing is I remember that lady putting donations for years before in the donation box. No one ever said, "hey sister, are you sure that's not too much and you will have enough for food etc"

    The sad part is most dubs, even my sister to an extent, think that was a quite a wise thing to assess first. What a bunch of heartless zombies

  • nvrgnbk
    Thats's funny I just wanted to post a thread to that effect but couldn't post a second thread today apparently.

    I know zagor.

    Hence the thread.

    We are all one.

  • flipper

    Nvr- How can I count the ways? Have been pissed off for years that even though I had a 3.5 gpa in high school, because of not being allowed to further my education had to provide for my young wife in my early 20's and 3 young kids at 27 with commercial janitorial working tiring nights for now what's 25 years. And as my life goes on I reflect of being pissed at having to marry so young at 19, because it was the only acceptable or "legal" way in the witnesses view to have legitimate sex. Hell of a reason to get married, eh? Then getting pissed later because first wife wanted to talk with the elders about "stuff" we did in bed without talking to me first about it! Then to find out she was being overrighteous about it as the new"light" had changed on that subject of what married people do with each other. Then getting pissed to find out all along, it really wasn't the elders business anyway! On a more important broader scope though, the Watchtower really pisses me off by allowing child molesters to continue in good standing in their organization and put children at risk by this. And , that "alledgedly" some top members who still run the organization are guilty of this crime. May their corpses rot and burn in hell for the pain they've caused in dividing families by not only this ,but by disfellowshipping people and trying to dictate to people who they can or can't talk to. Most of all also, I hate the control they bizarrely excersice in people's lives.And still I remain a man who survived it and found I have a valuable life after the Watchtower! The joke was on them! They couldn't crush me! Peace to all my fading friends and others on this site and elsewhere

  • PEC

    My mother and sister-in-law were murdered by the Watchtower Blood Policy. Pissed of is a understatement. I would like to deny the GB air and she how they like it.


  • Gregor

    Well, as an elder the Watchtower gave me a bunch of talmudic b.s. "laws" I had to enforce at the grass roots level. Things they published about sexual practices within the marriage. Things that made it necessary for me to ask questions like, "Did you ejaculate?" Things that forced me to tell sisters with homosexual husbands that they did not have grounds for divorce. Things that caused us elders to spend hours and hours sorting through other peoples pathetic, trivial, dirty laundry.("Now let's see if we understand, Sister Airhead, did your husband force you to perform oral sex on him or did he force oral sex on you?") The WT could publish one Question from Readers that would have us tied up in committee meetings for weeks. But all this isn't what pissed me off. What pissed me off was when they reversed themselves a few short months later with a bunch of double speak about some f'ing Greek word ("let's get into the root meaning of the Greek word porneia") I clearly remember throwing a Watchtower across the room and saying "Why didn't they figure this out before we spent two+ goddamn years reproving and DF'ing people?

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