Does evolution destroy the fall and by consequence sin and the cross?

by Qcmbr 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • glenster

    Some people were taking the start of Geneisis figuratively for years before
    Darwin. If the basic idea is that God let mankind go into a fallen state, made
    them of inherent sin and to grow old and die, and reconciled people to Himself
    with the crucifixion, the idea can still work if you take the Adam and Eve ac-
    count literally or as a figurative representation of God basically letting man-
    kind be in a fallen state. Evolution ideas can change some people's interpreta-
    tions of Genesis, but that's not the same thing.

    Most of what I have for that so far is in the timeline at the next link in the
    listings for 1914 "Scientific reasons for predictions about 1914: 'The Photo-
    Drama of Creation' anf 1985 "Dowsing for evidence."

  • 5go

    Yes, without Adam it calls into question weither Jesus even existed at all. Which the historicity of Jesus is becoming more in doubt as more archaeology is finding almost no evidence of a Jesus, or the town of Nazareth is reported to come from exists outside of the bible.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo


    Yes, without Adam it calls into question weither Jesus even existed at all.

    I'd say this only applies if you take the Bible as literally true in its entirety. If it is found that even one single part of the Bible is literally untrue, it does call into question all the rest and your faith is on very shaky foundations.

    For those who are able to take literary genre and context into account, this is less of a problem - and some might accuse us of ducking the issue or whatever, all I can say is that there is much more to living faith than a rigid set of beliefs and dogma.

    The written word (Law) without the Spirit is dead...

  • 5go


    Yes, without Adam it calls into question weither Jesus even existed at all.

    I'd say this only applies if you take the Bible as literally true in its entirety. If it is found that even one single part of the Bible is literally untrue, it does call into question all the rest and your faith is on very shaky foundations.

    For those who are able to take literary genre and context into account, this is less of a problem - and some might accuse us of ducking the issue or whatever, all I can say is that there is much more to living faith than a rigid set of beliefs and dogma.

    The written word (Law) without the Spirit is dead...

    At the risk of taking this thread off topic. Know you know why I am a Pepperonist Invisible Pink Unicorn follower.A depiction of the Invisible Pink Unicorn, in the style of a heraldic animal rampant, though the nearest heraldic color to pink is purpure (purple). It's by my faith the I know she loves pepperoni, and does not like ham and pineapple.

  • changeling

    No creation. No fall. No need for redemotion.

    Quit beating your imperfect, sinful self up.


  • bigdreaux

    if you do believe the bible is god's word, read what paul, who wrote more books of the bible than anyone, said. i will find the excact scriptures, but, he, under "inspiration" from god, basically states that even though god himself told paul what was expected of him, since he is imperfect, he does not do these things, but, that's cool, because god understands.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Was there really any need for that reply to me 5go?

    It completely ignored a reasonable reply and added nothing to the discussion.

  • bigdreaux

    it is funny though sad emo. lol

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Yeah, I suppose so bigdreaux

    It just gets a bit irritating when you give someone an intelligent reply and they diss it like that, makes me wonder why I bother at all *sigh*

  • 5go

    Was there really any need for that reply to me 5go?

    It completely ignored a reasonable reply and added nothing to the discussion.

    Yes, the more people put faith in things with no facts to back it up. The more we need to remind people that that anyone can say anything, and it can be held as a truth without any facts or proof just because some has faith in said things.

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