we love both of you!! We're so happy you made it home.. get all the rest you need.. we'll be here!
by Physio 192 Replies latest jw friends
Hi everyone I'M HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm tired, a bit rocky on the old legs but fighting to go. I have to take it easy and must attend the hospital clinic twice a week. 50% of patients who receive this treatment end up back in hospital within the first two weeks. I'm hoping I'm in the other 50%
A BIG thank you to all who sent e-mails, cards and a sweatshirt! Your words were so comforting. I love you guys!!
I can't promise to post as regularly as in the past for the moment, but once I regain my strength I'll be back more frequently.
Thank you so much for keeping Claire and I in mind and for your helping her. Claire has suffered as much as I.
Love to you ALL,
{{{{ Ian and Claire!!!!! }}}} Big hugs for both of you! What wonderful news! Blessings and love,
Marjorie & Jim xo xo xo