Hello, all... and peace to you all!
Without trying to sound patronizing (I promise, I am not), but rather honest... I have learned that the "Bible" is not necessarily to BE understood, as we, 'christian' mankind, have deemed it to be. The "Bible", which is NOT 'scripture' but CONTAINS 'scripture' (Moses, The Prophets, Psalms, the Revelation), also contains histories, chronologies and letters.
Together, ALL of these were to be used for only one thing: to find life. And indeed, the "Bible" can initially help us find life. Rather, it can initially help us to find Life.
John 14:6
For it is simply a recorded collections of documentation that 'bears witness' to the True Life. Other than that, it truly has no 'power', none at all. For it cannot GIVE you life. Once you understand this, then you understand that there IS a 'source' of life, something... rather someONE who CAN grant you life. And isn't life truly what ALL mankind is seeking, whether 'christian', 'buddhist', 'muslim', 'hindu', 'agnostic', 'atheist', whathaveyou? In truth, don't we ALL want to live... forever... if possible (notice, I said in TRUTH)... and want such for our loved ones as well? Truly, it is the minority of us that wish 'any to die'.
So, rather than deem the Bible... or even the 'scriptures'... as a way to find life, may I direct you to the words OF the 'Way' to life... as recorded IN the Bible, at John 5:39, 40? Thank you, and may you have 'ears' to hear what the Spirit says... and get the 'sense' of it:
"You are searching the SCRIPTURES...
because you THINK...
that by means of THEM...
you will have everlasting life.
(the 'scriptures')...
are the VERY ones...
that bear witness... about ME.And yet...
you do not WANT...
to COME TO ME...
that you may HAVE life."
Why is this so important a recording? Because many of us have been taught, and are still being taught, that when my Lord said, "Come to ME...", he meant "read your Bible". But he did NOT meant that, not at all. And this recorded verse shows that. At no time in the 'Christian Greek Scriptures' (or NT, as some call them), did he EVER tell ANYONE to... "go read the Bible" or "go read the scriptured". Not once. But he DID say to them, on NUMEROUS occasions, or imply to them... that they should come... TO HIM.
Matthew 11:28, 29
John 7:37, 38
John 5:39, 40
John 4:10, 14
John 6:35
Isaiah 55:1
1 Corinthians 10:2-5
Revelation 22:17
And so, my dear ones, it is NOT the "Bible"... nor the 'scriptures' that we must 'kiss'. No, for it is the SON... that my Father, by means of my forefather David said... we must kiss.
"KISS THE SON... and drink from HIM... all you 'thirsty' ones. And you WILL be 'quenched'. And HIS 'water' will rise up in you as a fountain 'bubbling to impart everlasting life.' The Bible... contains no 'water', dear ones. It only TELLS us... about the One who has such 'water', from whose 'inmost parts'... such 'water'... HOLY SPIRIT... flows.
Joel 2:28, 29
Acts 2:33
1 Corinthians 12:4-13
Romans 6:23
Again, I bid you all peace and I am,
Your servant and a slave of Christ,