US renting Pak army for $ 100 million a month

by nvrgnbk 13 Replies latest social current

  • nvrgnbk

    US renting Pak army for $ 100 million a month 14 Jul 2007, 0340 hrs IST,CHIDANAND RAJGHATTA,TNN

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    WASHINGTON: The United States is paying around $ 100 million a month for the deployment of 80,000 Pakistani troops on its border with Afghanistan ostensibly for the war on terrorism, a key US official revealed on Thursday.

    The money is meant to be "reimbursements" to Pakistan "for stationing troops and moving them around, and gasoline, and bullets, and training and other costs that they incur as part of the war on terror," US Assistant Secretary of State Richard Boucher, told a Congressional panel.

    "That's a lot of money," Boucher admitted before the panel about what amounts to a $ 1.2 billion per year reimbursement. "I don't know if it comes to the whole amount of their expenses, but we support their expenses, yes."

    In all, US aid to Pakistan is now close to $ 2 billion a year, according to figures provided by Boucher, the top U S diplomat for South Asia.

    Besides, the $ 1.2 billion reimbursements, Washington also gave Pakistan an addition $ 738 million in 2006 in assistance programs, including $ 300 million in separate military aid.

    The overall figure would put Pakistan on par with Israel and Egypt -- with a higher component ($ 1.5 billion) in overall military assistance -- as the top three recipients of US aid.

    The Pakistan allocations are being met with deep misgivings and scepticism in Congress and strategic circles where there are growing demands on the Bush administration to tie aid for Islamabad's military to its performance and delivery in the war on terror.

    "There are far more jihadists, extremist madrassas, Al Qaida operatives, Taliban safe havens and international terrorist training camps than Pakistani government officials are willing to admit. Is our current aid package, one in which we are providing at least 10 times more for military aid than for basic education assistance, in the best long-term interest of United States national security?" asked Congressman John Tierney, who chaired the hearing that for focused exclusively on the Pakistan question.

    "And how do we in Congress justify to the American people writing checks for billions of dollars to a regime that may not be the partner against terrorism the United States needs it to be, but may actually be hurting national security interests of the United States and our allies?" added Congressman Christopher Shays, after some of his colleagues pointed out that Pakistan was host to the world's most wanted men like Osama bin Laden and A.Q.Khan.

    Boucher maintained that the money was well spent and there was some accountability involved.

    "Some of our money that we give Pakistan is reimbursements and so there is, you know, conditions that we pay for things," he said, later elaborating that "Pentagon is in charge of getting receipts and making sure they know how that money is being spent in the right places."

    "If they didn't have the 85,000 troops in the border area, God knows what would be going on out there -- not anything we could deal with ourselves, I'm sure," Boucher added.

    Still, law-makers remained sceptical of the Bush administration's Pakistan policy, even as the White House reviewed the situation in a special meeting on Thursday. Tierney urged the administration to ensure that the military support money went towards supplying equipment to fight terrorism, as opposed to bombers and submarines aimed at India.

    But Boucher bluntly told the committee "we do try to do Pakistan with legitimate defensive needs, with its ability to patrol in the Arabian Sea," and finance equipment and reimburse expenses for the war on terror.
  • Elsewhere

    I think my neighbor might be taliban... I need money too so I can defend myself!!!!

    $1,000,000 per year should be sufficient, however I may need additional money for specialized needs and operations.

  • frankiespeakin

    Tax revolt! Why pay taxes? They just keep pumping it into miltary spending, it cost alot of money to be a superpower with superduper weapons, these fucking morons will eventually bring about the end of our species the way their going.

  • nvrgnbk

    I like the way you think brother.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    No wonder they haven't found Osama.... think of the revenue the Pakistanis would be losing.

  • nvrgnbk
    No wonder they haven't found Osama.... think of the revenue the Pakistanis would be losing.


    Check this out:

  • frankiespeakin
  • frankiespeakin
  • nvrgnbk

    Are the American people getting the shaft brother?

  • frankiespeakin


    You betcha they are. They are being programmed by propaganda to bend over and take it up the ass. One example that should make it clear just how bad it is,, is the american indian: The government takes away his land moves him onto reservation and then indoctrinates him to fight for the country that did this to them?? If that ain't paradoxical what is? Brainwashing and indoctrination is what moves a100% american indian to take it up the ass over and over again.

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