Do you ever wonder...

by changeling 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • changeling

    Last week I started the "do you ever wonder what people here look like?" thread. A lot of you responded and many even posted pics. It was great to see you guys, but that was not really my intent. It was more of an imagination exercise based on avatars (why has my font changed???).

    Anyway, based on people's choice of names, do you ever wonder things about them? Like, is purps' sofa really purple? Is blondie really blond, or just a die hard Debra Harry fan? Is willyloman a salesman? Is warlock into the dark arts or just a Harry Potter fan? Does wac wear "tiddy whiteys" all the time?

    What do you guys wonder about the rest of us?


  • animal

    I will spill the beans about my name....

    Back in the 70's, a bunch of us were hanging out and shooting the breeze, with some of the biker-groupie girls in our midst. One of them was pretty uptight and naive, but had a nice body so we let her along with us. Anyhow, we are carrying on, and I let out a fairly loud fart.... She said "You are an animal!!!" The guys all said "thats it, your nickname is Animal!"

    It stuck ever since, both in the biker world and the internet world.


  • journey-on

    I wonder where you got the pic for your avatar. I have that picture in a frame. It's hard to tell from such a small area but your avatar looks like the pic I have of a beautiful red headed fairy in an almost sheer covering. I've always been moved by that picture. I don't even remember where I got it, but I think I've had it for about 15 or 20 years!

  • changeling

    Why is it guys can fart in public and women can't? This should be another thread.


  • changeling

    journey-on: AK Jeff gave me my avatar last week in response to the "do you ever wonder what others look like" thread.

    I love it too!




    Are there really Wanted Posters looking for OUTLAW?..Clint Eastwood..Do I ride a horse?..Do I rob Stage Coaches?..Machine Gun 2..Just so many things I`d like to know about me!..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • misanthropic

    as quoted from changeling on the welcome Live Life thread...

    Welcome back! I am reincarnated as well...

    I wonder who you posted as before. I also wonder if you picked your name from Star Wars or from something else.

  • Mum

    Okay. I'm glad you're not really interested in my physical appearance because, to quote a friend, this body is not who I am. Thank the Lord!

    My screen name is left over from another board I started posting on in 1997, H2O. When I came here, I kept it. One person remembered me from the previous forum, but she no longer posts here.

    On H2O, my daughter posted as Paradiseplum. I started posting as Paradiseplumum because I am her mother. We enjoy Britcoms, especially Absolutely Fabulous, so I became "mum" instead of "mom," as we say in the States. "Paradiseplumum" required a lot of typing, so I shortened it to "Mum." Now I wish I had chosen something else, but I'll live with my decision.

    My daughter added the "No Fear" logo recently, as I did not know how to do it. If not for my child and grandchild (and, I admit, my ex non-JW husband), I would be a technology Neanderthal.



  • mrsjones5

    I know people don't wonder about my name, it seems to be pretty self-explanatory but it's not my real name. It's sort of a title. Yes I am married to Mr Jones but I don't carry or use his name. I like my name better, it's more unique and after my first marriage I just didn't feel like changing it again. Some in my family have said something about it but I don't care how they feel, it's my choice.

    Josie aka Ms _______

  • changeling

    misanthropic: I PM'd you my former incarnation.

    A changeling is a mythological creature that can change it's appearance. I'm currently a pretty fairie.

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