Meeting RollerDave and seeing his aposta-truck up close

by Gopher 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Gopher
    I keep hoping to run into someone here from my JW days. You proved it can happen.

    It absolutely CAN happen, if you were in the organization long enough, and especially if you're in a metropolitan area and knew people from other congregations. People are bound to fall prey to Satan's wiles come to the realization that a better life is possible outside a hyper-controlling organization.

    In my first month on this board, two people who had been in a congregation near me recognized me and got in contact. (Back then this site didn't have PM functionality, instead it had a little icon that could be clicked and would show your e-mail address.)

    In the past few months I have come across 3 former JW's from my old hall in Minneapolis including RollerDave, and a former elder who is now a travelling blues singer, and a young lady who works on the same floor at the office where my job is. (The former elder and my co-worker successfully faded and do not post on this site.)

  • misanthropic

    That's great Gopher sounds like you had a wondeful time.

  • PEC


    You should get the license APOSTATE then watch the looks, when you go to the KH to pickup your Grandmother.


  • Angry_Kangaroo

    I love RollerDave's posts. His posts are always so witty and insightful. I wanna meet him!

  • RollerDave

    Well, my sister, Mrs PO has been pretty decent to me so I don't want to put her in a bad position.

    Everybody knows who and what I am, so just being larger than life and over the top accomplishes it pretty good.

    I do love the idea tho.

    How about the plate: R0113R (R zero one one three R)

    I'm still pricing louder exhaust, a custom flame paint job, and lighting effects


    Now I just need a boat to pull with the beast.

    Roller (of the 'conspicuous consumption' sheep class)

  • bluesbreaker59

    Yeah, I spoke with Dave the other night, very nice man. He was lucky to have caught me, as I have a terrible schedule, usually I'm either working or playing in the band, or trying to spend a few precious moments with my great friends. One of these days, I plan to get up to MN, and meet "the big man", and I'm looking forward to it. And Gopher, when I'm there I'd like to meet you too

  • RollerDaughter

    Gopher, it was cool meeting you and hanging out ^_^ it's awesome to have another classic rock/ELO nut around!! lol

    i wanna go to another Apostafest too, and meet more people from JWD

    my dad's right - we should have an apostafest here at The Point!

    we even have a basement perfect for doing dark rituals and puppy sacrifices or whatever the JWs think we apostates do


    Angie, of the Apostasheep class


    Cool! We just never know when someone we knew from our past will suddenly come back into our lives. *anxiouslywaiting*

    Good for you Gopher...glad you had a nice time


  • primitivegenius
    we even have a basement perfect for doing dark rituals and puppy sacrifices or whatever the JWs think we apostates do




    RollerDave and all the other Rollers - if you all have an apostafest you won't be able to keep me away.

    You know how some people want to go to all the ball fields in America? Or maybe they plan vacations around a new rollercoaster in an amusement park?

    Well - my new goal is to hit every area of the country where Apostafests are held and get to meet as many of the posters here that I can. I met noni in Hocking Hills and I am sooo excited about The Pasta Apostafest in Richmond this week-end.

    I would love to meet you all, but I have to see the Apostatruck with my own eyes!

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