Do you have all the friends you want to have?

by JH 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • animal

    Hello John, long time.

    To answer this, one would have to define "friend". I have always had a bunch of aquaintences, but always limited those that would hold a place as friend, or best friend. Within the biker world, I had many people refering to me or us as "brothers", but they too are aquaintences.

    A friend is one that you trust with your life, your money, and your woman.... and visa versa. I only had a few of those in my life, and wouldnt want many at the same time. 1 will do, and that I have.

    I dont see a spouse as a best friend, they are something different. A friend doesnt let emotions dictate anything as a friend, at least with guys.

    So yes John, I have all the "friends" I need. I can never have enuff buddies tho.

    Wierd world I live in?


  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    I feel different from everyone...

    JH, I can relate to all that you said. I can never get enough alone time, there is tons of things I enjoy doing alone. Can't think of much that I enjoy with other people unless it's my immediate family, and yes, I need alone time away from them too.

    Growing up, the restrictiveness of the JW's combined with my family moving on the average of twice a year made it impossible for anything but brief friendships.

    Now, I honestly just don't know how. I make awkward attempts from time to time, and maybe someday I will understand how it works. I enjoy socializing with small groups of people, but it is emotionally very demanding on me.

    But I'm finally at a point in my life where I'm beginning to accept myself as just different. I love people, and I would do anything to help someone in need, but I don't know how to connect with them.

  • Mum

    Friends of quality are great. Right now I have two friends who really are fun to hang out with and will also be there when I need someone to talk to or need support. I have one very needy friend, emotionally speaking; I would like to leave her behind because we really have very little in common and certainly have different values, but I would feel like a jerk if I did.

    A couple of years ago, I did give up one friendship because the "friend" clearly saw me as her inferior and let me know it. I would speak to her and be nice if I saw her, but that's as far as it would go.

    My delayed social skills make it difficult for me to make friends. The other party usually makes the first move. Because I am an introvert and very content to be alone, I am fine with the quality friends that I now have.



  • roflcopter

    I have no friends near me. Just one best friend really, but he is on the other side of the country from me now. We talk a lot on the phone still but it just isn't the same. I wish I had friends, I need friends, but alas I am alone :-/

  • RollerDave


    I count my fiancee as my best friend in the world, but I don't count my kid among my friends.

    If you try to be a 'friend' to them, they never properly respect you. A parent is so much MORE than a friend.

    I have a policy, I try never to have so many friends I can afford to lose one, and never so few I have to chase anybody.

    I make my friends know they matter and are important to me, I extend myself personally, my hospitality, my time, and my protection while on my turf.

    I expect my friends to do the same, or I drop them.

    I don't care if my friends are richer or poorer than I, or about differences in politics, race, or age for the most part.

    There ARE certain deal breakers I just can't get past, some examples are Drug Use, being a cult-head, a dishonorable person, a user, stuff like that.

    Within those parameters, I have many friends, I never want for someone to chat up.

    Still room in ol' uncle roller's life for more pals tho.

    Roller (of the 'rich in friendship' sheep class)

  • Quentin

    I came to the conclusion, as I got older, you have through out your life time one or two people that can be called a dyed in the wool true blue friend. Everyone else is someone you know....

    Circumstance often changes the context of your life and a person can go through peroids of time when they have no friends, just aquaintences.

    Within this last year I re-conected with two friends after years of no contact....Ronnie lives in Kansas. We e-mail back and forth and talk on the phone as much as possable...went up and spent a weekend a few months ago...Sadly he's dying of cancer...My other friend is Terry....we do the e-mail and phone bit, getting togather when schedules permit....

    These two guys are dyed in the wool true blue friends...reason being, when we did re-conect, after getting caught up on the who, what when and where, it's like we had never been out of contact...I'm comfortable around these guys...I can say whatever, act however...they know me. I know them....

    Otherwise, as some have commented, I'm a loner and like it that way.Get to many people in your life things get complecated. Got better things to do than scuffle around trying to maintane my place in the pack....

  • nvrgnbk

    I feel for you JH.

    I really get where you're at.

    It's a very human thing you're experiencing.

    You're just being more honest about it than most.

    Hang in there.


  • What-A-Coincidence

    i redeemed mine :-(

  • ex-nj-jw

    I have a grand total of 3 best friends, two have been my friends since kindergarten and 2nd grade, and the other for 15 years. I don't need a whole lot of friends. When you get more than a couple of females together they start trouble!

    I do have more aquiantances (sp?) and I think that is a whole different subject. I know alot of people but I wouldn't consider them all friends.

    I also am a loner, I get along well with myself and we hardly ever argue And my best male friend is my hubby, I know that sounds corny but he is!


  • free2think
    I also am a loner, I get along well with myself and we hardly ever argue

    Same here, free2think agrees with everything i say.

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