I am going to agree (in part) with EmptyWords:
I think Russell was a truth seeker, his father owned a few shops and left them to him, but he used his own money to set up the wathchtower, he never endorsed an organization or a GB to control the flock. It was that drunkard Rutherford that hyjacked the faith, he set himself up above everyone else, bought in the elitism of the 144,000 which seperated the sheep into two different groups one superior than the other, It was the 144,000 for the sheep not the other way around.
This governing body is unscriptual and a pushing ahead, the teaching of the scriptures have mainly been directed to Christedom instead of the JW's themselves, they are beyond reproach and a legend in their own minds. Many have been stumbled because of this NGO thing and the child abuse cases, they have a lot to answer to the master for. But weather we allow that to stumble us away from Jehovah is a personal choice, I take it that looking at how he dealt with the Isreal nation of old can be safly the outcome for the WT in the very near future.
I believe Russell was a truth seeker, but add WHACKO PREACHER to that description.
He loved the limelight of his position, still- everyone was free to go home or stick with him.
Rutherford was just as described above. He wanted money and power during a rough time
in finances. He did excellent. He warped the doctrines just to maintain control and to keep
the dollars flowing. People after him are a mixed bag. Some perpetuated things for the money
and some believed it was the truth. They should have figured it out, or made serious changes.
Many GB members reached a certain point of sacrifice where cognitive dissonance took over
completely. "I sacrificed so much for this religion- it can't be wrong."
Once they made the GB, they should have seen the big problems, but that dissonance would
not let them. PLUS- what would they have if they left the organization. Easier to swallow the
crap and try to maintain the control you inherited. Some who were experts at kissing up and
finally made it here were going to enjoy themselves no matter if it was the truth or not, they
just wouldn't investigate too deeply.