Did the Catholic Church really apologize for abuse?

by blondie 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I'm sorry that you don't think the apology was good enough. One thing I've realized about apologies, is that most are done out of necessity. Most apologies may never make the offended feel 100% pleased. It's a fact of life.

    When I see killers apologize and weep in court for what they did, for some----"I'm sorry" means nothing. Unless they were put to death themselves, the apologies are immaterial.

    If Watchtower ever "apologized" just like the RCC, I'msure we'd hear how those weren't enough too. And maybe mere words could never make one feel better about the abuse they suffered----whether it was sincere or not----I dunno.

  • blondie

    Well, I have attended the meetings and conferences of SNAP, and I know they would not agree with you. They have had to fight the church and know what these apologists have been doing for the last 5 years, putting road blocks up and initimidating the victims. If there is any sorrow is that they did not succeed in stopping the ruling.


    This is a good site to get the real feel of Catholics and ex-Catholics who have been fighting the good fight to reach this conclusion. Who are willing to put themselves up as targets.

    I still feel that the apology is a nonapology, couched in the same passive voice, the WTS uses and has used to avoid taking any responsibility for the mess they have caused.



  • bluebell

    hmmm, well I don't know.

    Maybe when you take into account that any corporate apology never seems that sincere, maybe we're just cynical BUT on the other hand the fact that "they didn't have to apologise in pubilc" makes it a good PR exercise and we should be cynical.

    My father "apologised" to me but only after the elders went against my specific request and told him too, so it wasn't an apology, but it was good PR for him with the elders.

  • Paralipomenon

    I would agree that the apology is a "nonapology" but not because of the wording. According to how they worded it, it fulfilled the requirements of a sincere apology.

    However, their actions betray their true feelings and essentially amounts to "We're sorry you have a strong case against us"

  • NanaR

    I did a quick search for Outreach Programs for victims of abuse and quickly came up with several links to Catholic programs:




    These articles and others, I believe, are evidence that the Catholic Church is going beyond paying victims and making apologies (both of which are important and necessary). The Catholic Church is seeking to aid these people in healing. The Catholic Church is also taking steps to protect children against such abuse in the future.

    When did the Watchtower Society ever aid anyone in healing?


  • blondie

    Those sites are like asking the WTS if they have helped the victims. If you want the equivalent of the JWD or ex-jw response, check this site:



  • minimus

    For any victim of molestation, will any apology make things right? I really don't think so.

  • NanaR
    Those sites are like asking the WTS if they have helped the victims.

    I see no comparison at all between these sites and the Watchtower Society response to their crisis.

    I also did not indicate that I felt the Catholic Church has handled their crisis perfectly. They bungled a lot before they got pointed in the right direction. But I do believe they are currently pointed in the right direction.

    The second source I mentioned quotes the director of SNAP. The Catholic Church is engaged in an ongoing dialogue with this group. The SNAP website indicates this also.

    What Catholic response would you find appropriate or satisfactory?


  • blondie

    Words can't do a thing; only actions and to date the RC has fought this every step of the way. I have walked and talked to the victims and the ones in SNAP and am a member myself. You'd have to attend a support group or a conference to get the real feel of it. It helps too if you have been a victim yourself of the WTS or the RC and know firsthand how people are treated that come forth and identify clergy molesters.

    There may be some sincere individuals in the RC or the WTS, but as an organization neither has shown true compassion for the individual, but rather for the survival of the organization.


  • minimus

    Personally, I think of the RCC and WBTS as just a big business. They don't give a rat's ass about anything but the bottom line. They have PR people to make themselves look good. But ALL multi million/billion dollar companies are like that. It's all about not wanting to lose $$$$.

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