I think one of the most difficult distinctions for us to make in our lives, is understanding what we have control over and what we are responsible for. If we have no control over a situation, we have no responsibility for the situation. Does that mean we should try and take control of a situation whenever we see a need?
What are you going to do? Police the side of the highway for deer 24/7 for the rest of your life? There is way too much highway in this world and not enough of you. Where I live, we have tame deer everywhere. Every yard has pet deer that come to munch daily. I am not exaggerating. We have 4 deer in our yard every night. I do not live in the woods either, but in a busy residential area. With lots of trees admittedly. It is also a winding, narrow, road that is unlit at night. Deer cross constantly day and night. Most of the time you can see them in advance and slow down in case they might dart out in front of your car. Many times you just cannot see them at night and I have had to slam on the breaks and screech my tires a few times.
Today on my way home, I saw a litte fawn with spots still on, dead by the side of the road, the neighbourhood crows pecking away at the body. I felt a moment of sadness and then moved on, reminded to drive a little more cautiously on this road for life is precious. Then I let it go.
You have to let it go. Life is full of random accidents, some preventable and some not. Death is a part of it. Playing the "if only" game is a recipe for insanity. If only you had stopped and chased the deer away from the side of highway, they may have returned 10 minutes later and another car may have hit them and maybe 6 people would have died instead of 3. Who knows? Just let it go. It leads nowhere but needless guilt and suffering on your part.