Segregation in the Kingdumb Hall

by Wordly Andre 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    WTWizard, Yes its true that in some segregated cities and states that blacks and white had seperate doors etc. however when did the ORG ever really follow Cesars law? oh but this one was ok right? I came across this in looking up some information on Catholic history in Boston, they didn't have segregation in the church which helped fuel hate torwards the church back in 1790's, white were shocked that the catholic's allowed black in the church with white folks. Now isn't it interesting that JW's allowed whites and black to serve god together sometime in the 1960's.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    In my area, the mid-atlantic, (I already told you guys I'm not in Canada:) there was segregation based on the strict laws here in the 60's and part of the 70's. According to a friend of mine, it was a tough time getting everyone unified socially in the congs, but they did it. I personally think there is still some prejudice in the congs here, though.

  • wednesday

    Recall growing up, blacks and whites where strongly discouraged to marry b/c of all the tribulation they would bring on themselves or their offspring.(per jws) can recall segregation. It is not so far away, the 60's.

    i know of at least one couple who did not marry b/c of this.

  • Dragonlady76

    I knew a poster on here that was white, he was blonde & blue eyed and he married a black sister, this was in the 90's I think.

    In my hall we had some mixed couples.

    I have a hard time seeing racism in the cong since I personally was not exposed to it.

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