I also noticed the box for the next issue. How can attending a live performance lead to destruction at Armageddon? Is this the first thing that they are going to tear apart in banning all entertainment? Music shows are first: about the only thing I can see wrong with them is that they take time and money away from supporting the Puketower arrangement. Next I suppose they will ban live plays, then going to the movies, then watching any TV, then all games, sports, and anything else that's fun.
And since when has blood transfusions always been a personal choice matter? That is about the most blatant lie I have ever heard come from this organization. Note that this was on the actual Watchtower magazine itself and not on some apostate Web site. Anyone who has ever lost a child for the blood issue, seen a Puketower gloating about how a parent would rather lose a child than disobey the Watchtower directives, or had that damn blood card filled out every year knows that it hasn't always been a matter of personal choice. Or, try telling someone who got disfellowshipped for taking a blood transfusion or that has been harassed by that *$ing committee to abstain from blood that it has always been a conscience matter. I suppose they are going to next tell you that your memory is wrong, even if everyone else agrees with it and it was consistent for the past 50 years. Try to produce an old blood card or Puketower magazine that glorifies those who died for the blood issue, and you will run the risk of getting disfellowshipped for apostasy.
I sure hope they lay in a huge supply of S-77 forms for this one. They are going to need them.