especially about the Bible?? Why would JWs rather argue and argue instead of admitting defeat and wrongdoing?
Why is it so hard for a JW to admit when they are wrong about anything?
by A-Team 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Because they have a direct channel to Jehobah through the F&DS.
Because they CAN'T be wrong since it's "the Truth". That is all with the fact that they HAVE been wrong several times in the past.
drew sagan
Because as soon as they do the door is wide open and anything is possible. This is just to scary of a thing to think about for many.
It is this fear of the unknown that keeps them from accepting that their assumptions about life that have been given to them by the WTS are wrong. -
They are lost in the WTBS shelves ... actes 20:30 / II Peter 2:1-3
Mr. Kim
Answer: EGO, Coward, they have something to prove....they don't know any better and do not think for themselves.....
Because they cannot think for themselves, they parrot back anything written by the WTB, and as we all know the FDS has a direct channel to joehoba therefore they must be right every time.
Simply because someone who has all the answers and god on their side can't be wrong
And maybe they were this way before becoming a JW.... part of the attraction.
The wanderer
Dear A-Team:
"Why would JWs rather argue and argue instead of admitting defeat and wrongdoing?"-A-Team
Regarding your question takes into account several
factors. However, to save time the one perspective
that is undeniable is that by admitting something
is wrong is to harbor doubts about their beliefs.
If questions are raised and they do not defend the
belief system, then within the minds of these
individuals it may lead them to think they
may not have the "truth" as so they thought.