Neep Help, has the teaching on Porneia Jan1, 1972 WT pg31/32 changed since?

by NotaNess 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    I wonder if masturbating while talking with someone about sex on the phone or online is considered grounds for a scriptural divorce?

  • tijkmo

    mutual masturbation is grounds - elders book defines it as deliberate manipulation of sexual organs by some living thing other than spouse..(although technically i suppose that could include a tree - which would be as deliberate as a animal wouldn't it)

    solo masturbation is not grounds - phone and internet no different to magazine or tv . would be a cause for counselling if it became known but not df-ing

  • blondie

    tjikimo, I do believe you can be df'd for what I described above per several current elders on JWD. Could I get confirmation on that?

  • tijkmo

    well masturbation has never been a df-ing offense...and is not grounds for divorce.

    as i understand it at the last elders schools they initiated df-ing for viewing porn which led to a number being df...but later they sent a letter saying that it wasn't grounds for df-ing. the letter was posted here so should be findable . it did say in the letter tho that the action was not retro-active and anyone who had been df was to remain so unless they followed the usual route for reinstatement.

    that's not to say that there haven't been folk df for it before or since by elders who don't understand what constitutes a df-ing offence or due to a victim being unaware of the change (i don't think the letter was read to the congs)

    we had a d.o. who was very particular on there not being jcs set up unless there was clear indication of a df-ing offense..i used to think it was him being caring but i think now it was probably just that it was less work for him arranging appeals etc

  • blondie

    So the sh*t hit the fan with that one and they had to retract it. Must have been a lot of phone calls burning up the wire on that one or too many MS and elders bit the dust.

    Thanks for the update.


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