They are trying to keep the women "in their place". "Business attire" is only for the men. (Although most men in business don't wear suits all the time, they have a more relaxed wardrobe but I digress). This is part of their 1950's male dominant mentality. Women don't own business attire, women don't belong in business!
If the sisters were allowed to wear pants...
by Angry_Kangaroo 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If the sisters were allowed to wear pants, it would insinuate that they are equal to men.
And they don't want women to get any idea's, look at the catholics.
In the Winter, I always wore pants in field service. What difference did it make, when I had on boots and a long coat? No one could tell I didn't have on a dress under that long coat. It would have been insane to wear a dress in some of the weather we had.
When this subject came up for discussion back in the late 70's, I remember hearing that " if we let the sisters wear pants, pretty soon they will show up in blue jeans".
Amber Rose
If the sisters were allowed to wear pants, it would insinuate that they are equal to men.
Yeah, what Dragonlady said.
I even allowed her to wear them to a K.H. when we were out of town and she had a
wardrobe malfunction (and I was a faithful elder dub).WOW! That reeks of JW lingo. You allowed her, she must be very thankful to have a man that ALLOWS her to wear certain articles of clothing
White Dove
Oh my God YES! I hate the way the sisters dress! I hate dresses forced on women with such a passion as cannot be described here. I know of a sister who is kind of old now, but she has never worn a dress to the khall. She always was talked about having a bad attitude. I knew her so I can say for a fact that she was a very kind and mild sort of lady. She wore very nice clean pants suits that I would probably wear if I were to go back to the hall. I will never (except in court where female lawyers must wear dresses and where the prosecution and judge are swayed to your cause if they can see your legs. Yes, that is the reason.) wear a dress again.
White Dove
You ALLOWED her to wear pants??????? EW!!!!!!!! So much for mutual respect. I hope that has changed since you got out of the male dominated cult and out into the real world. I can only respect a man who respects me with equal measure. I want someone who compells me to worship the ground he walks. He must treat me like a queen and then I will want to treat him like a king.
I even allowed her to wear them to a K.H . when we were out of town and she had a
wardrobe malfunction (and I was a faithful elder dub).WOW! That reeks of JW lingo. You allowed her, she must be very thankful to have a man that ALLOWS her to wear certain articles of clothing
It was meant to be JW lingo. I don't enforce any Kingship over my wife, but I was an elder, she was obedient,
she did ask me if it was okay, and I did ALLOW it. Yes, I had my head that far up their organization, so the
words belonged there. Do you know how dangerous it could be for an elder to have his wife wearing pants to
the public meeting?Why, I could have been publicly humiliated. They could have whispered about how "weak" I was and told my
PO about it. After realizing it was nothing judicial, they probably would have just asked me to step aside from
my position if any families were stumbled out of the truth by my wife's brazen disregard for the Bible.If sisters started wearing pants, then who knows what will happen. Brothers will grow beards, teens might start
planning for a college education, children might be eating the birthday cake served in their classrooms.
Anarchy!!!!! Soon cats will sleep with dogs, illegal immigrants will become elders, families will sleep in on
Saturday morning. Anarchy- I say!!!!!! -
they'd always have something to complain about..
I wore shorts to a congregation picnic and had follow up elders council...
It's all about being different from the "world". If the womenfolk wear pants it will cut down on the gawk factor thus reducing the opportunities to offer a fine witness...
Whoa - all that lingo re-hash must have taken a lot out of me.