Can't go to Magic Mountain, it has Magic in the name, you should know better, Jemima's Witnesses do not believe in Magic or Mountains they are the work of demons.
Anyone for Magic Mountain in L.A. this Sunday ???
by What-A-Coincidence 64 Replies latest jw friends
what bout UNIVERSAL studios WORLDY?
Wordly Andre
Jehovah is going to destroy Universal Studios, because he hates that Tram and the stupid shark never works!!
I'll come WAC, Yemen isn't that far from California.
WAC can't post, hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Wordly Andre
Ah Man we can talk so much shit about WAC, I hear he still wets the bed and he puts old Awakes under his sheets so when he wets, he just changes them out with Watchtowers.
WAC said he's pissed coz he hasn't got anymore posts.
I think WAC is blowing smoke, the stats say he has posted 25 times today.
Bttt for no posts WAC.
If you served at Bethel, you should only get 25 posts anyway, so you don't try to "lord it over the flock", here on JWD.