Hey, im not sure if anyone knows of this, but recenetly (well actually like about 3-4 months ago) JW's in my area have been told to create Emergency Preparation kits for themselves or thier familys, and to give the Elders phone numbers of non-witness relatives for emergency contacts.. also one thing that they've just started doing is the elders are going around giving "sheparding calls" to everyone in the congragation and asking them questions such as *( they said this from the platform) "What do you find the hardest about being in the truth" or something along those lines.. i think that just might be a local thing, but it is strange and over the many years they have never really done any thing like that.. and the emergency thing i thik is strange too.. maybee they think a disater will happen here.... just thought i would mention this 'cause i find it a little strange.. well not that strange, their always on to something new and crazy...
..new things in my area...
by all_along_the_watchtower 22 Replies latest watchtower scandals
part of that sounds like a market survey. They've spent a fortune on lawyers, maybe now they are spending big bucks on marketing?
AATW, welcome to the discussion forum!
Your account is similar to one told a few weeks ago on this forum, at least the part about emergency contact numbers. It seems to be a strange request.
Emergency kits, eh? Maybe they're trying to stir up excitement that the end is near?
The part of your experience that I can't believe will work is the shepherding calls. Elders absolutely hate doing these. And do they think they'll really get honest answers to "what is hardest about being in the truth?" If anyone gave the wrong answer, they could be marked! The only way they would get an honest answer to this is to ask people to write their answers anonymously and put them in a box on the way out.
I think you were spot on putting this topic under ' scandals '.
I am familiar with what you are describing. Your assessment seems accurate.
Welcome the JWD family all_along_the_watchtower!
From now on, you're aatw! LOL!
woah.. sorry,, didn't mean to make all those blank posts.. lol...
what i was gonna say is im pretty sure that one reason their making these calls is cause over the last 2-3 years many in my cong. have had family members die, I even had a very good freind of mine, a nice young man, who ran away from home and apperently commited asphyxiation and was found dead in his car. Im really good freinds with thier entire family, including his younger brother who is my age, and his (thier) mom was daigonesed with a cerrtain form of cancer at the same time, and they went to a jw (i think he may have been an elder) they were directed to in the other side of the country to pursue medical assistance, but he did nothing essentially for her ((and other jw's in the same position apperently)), saying that she was getting better, while being halfway across the country and not even monitoring her. eventually she got much worse and stayed in hospital and died about only a month or so after her son. It was a tough time for me and my friends becuase it was such a shock..when i first heard i didnt want to belive it...
and thats just one family in my hall.. theirs other familes who have lost someone also.. people i've known for years.. so i see that as one reason.. but if they asked me that question, likely i would refuse to awnser it.. lol how could you anwser it.. you cant just say that everything is hard about being a jw... lol and thanks..
Heh...I clicked on this cause I was like...'hey, I don't remember starting a topic lately'. Welcome to the forum.
AATW, of the 'this is gonna get confusing' class.
I thought I saw that nick before. LOL!
aatw & AATW
No prob.
That is true, even in Australia where we don't have many natural disasters as othe countries we were told to have an emergency kit, like tin food and warm cloths, flash lights and first aid kit, that was about three months ago. So yes it is true and this has gone out to all congregations world wide.
Yes, it's being done in every congr. and i really feel it's nothing more than once again
the loving "faithful and discreet slaves" are looking after the sheep and preparing them
for a disaster. I heard nothing but praises toward the GB and how loving they are.
The GB has to make sure they continue to be looked at in a positive light.
After all they are directly being used by Jesus himself.
White Dove
Not Jesus. Jehovah. Never put JS in JH's place! Oooo, what scandal! And why do they need to tell anyone to do this if the news always says to have emergency prep kits?