Watchtower deliberately lying?

by AllAlongTheWatchtower 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finally-Free

    I was never an elder or MS, so I didn't know much about the day-to-day goings on in the congregation or organization, yet I was still able to see it was all false. I think a person would have to be incredibly stupid to reach a high level of cult membership and still believe in it. I'm convinced that most elders know it's false but don't want to leave it either for family reasons or because they like their position in the congregation.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Here is the conclusion I've come to. Whether someone believes what they're telling me or not has no relevance to my life. The governing body members might believe they are the reincarnation of Mickey Mouse--I really don't care. The most important thing is to determine whether the information people give us is true or false. Anything else is a moot point.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    They feel that they are not accountable to the rank-and-file for their statements.
    They feel that the end is NOT imminent, but IT COULD BE, so they can say
    that it is, if that helps maintain control over the members.

    They feel that the doctrine of the anointed being faithful and discreet, having
    communication with God, is only applicable to themselves, so they can trash
    the others.

  • blondie

    It isn't much different than the Pharisees knowing Jesus was probably the messiah of prophecy but not wanting to lose their place.

    (John 11:48)

    *** w06 1/15 pp. 11-12 The High Priest Who Condemned Jesus ***Consider what happened when the Jewish hierarchy heard that Jesus had resurrected Lazarus. John’s Gospel reports: "The chief priests and the Pharisees gathered the Sanhedrin together and began to say: ‘What are we to do, because this man performs many signs? If we let him alone this way, they will all put faith in him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.’" (John 11:47, 48) The Sanhedrin saw Jesus as a threat to the authority of the religious establishment and to public order, for which Pilate held them responsible. Any popular movement that the Romans might interpret as seditious could provoke their intervention in Jewish affairs—something that the Sanhedrin wanted to avoid at all costs.
    *** w06 9/15 p. 13 "They Called Together the Sanhedrin" ***Lust for power perverted the justice of the Jewish high court.
  • lisavegas420

    45 minutes talk...hahaha.

    I didn't read the entire thing, but I did grab this:

    How much longer will Jehovah permit them to exist before they go into destruction? Well, we don't know exactly, but it could be very close.

    very close, still.....

    there will be no more depression. And so those who suffer from depression, they can throw away totally their pills.

    This made me wonder how many in the audience was on medication. answer the original question..I do believe some at the top are laughing their asses off, and raking in the money. I believe the regular r&f are clueless and/or afraid.


  • sparrow

    On a serious note - from my experience - people are capable of anything. There was a time I thought "no way someone is capable of doing that to a person or people".

    Once bitten, twice shy as they say. I wouldn't be surprised...

  • metatron

    I agree that there are some guys like Loesch or others who aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer

    and actually believe the tangled, confused nonsense coming out of their mouths. Loesch was the idiot

    who tried to condemn watching football on TV in the US and gave a cruel, dismissive answer to tearful

    Witness parents, who asked "What do we do? Our kids are leaving the truth" - answer "read the Bible!"

    Gee thanks, We were all going to the Koran for guidance but you set us straight.........

    To repeat my point, it's increasingly difficult to believe that they don't know what they're doing.

    When the Awake claims that no missing links exist, it's rather jaw-dropping. Everything that

    appears in the magazines has to be carefully crafted to avoid telling the whole, accurate truth.

    Maintaining lies takes effort. I recall that even Schroeder got called on the carpet for telling a

    tour that maybe their grandkids would see Armageddon. Deception is hard work.


  • sf

    Everything that appears in the magazines has to be carefully crafted to avoid telling the whole, accurate truth.

    Maintaining lies takes effort ... Deception is hard work.



  • avengers
    Yes some people up at the top of the food chain are having a big laugh all the way to the bank!

    But who are they?

    Gooood question.

    We have been looking for them for quite a while. It gives me an idea though.
    See if I can come up with a suitable Wanted Poster.

    If we catch them ,,,,, then maybe I can get my 30 years back a little bit.


    Is the Watchtower deliberately lying?.....When has the Watchtower spoken truthfully?..It`s always bullshit..A never ending river,of BS...OUTLAW

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