Overweight JWs -- on the increase?

by Seeker 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bridgette

    You said, "They actually told me'these things will be fixed in the new system'. They took that as license to abuse food and their health."
    I remember many sentiments such as this. It always struck me as very hypocritical how they would dog on smoking, drinking, etc, because those endangered your health, when the medical community was saying that being overweight and sedentary is almost as bad for your health. I do remember one article about gluttoney, and that it could be a disfellowshipping offense. But how are you going to enforce something like that (I'm sure they'd try to find some way, if they thought they could). There are valid medical conditions, but for the most part, it's the sedentary lifestyle they propogate that's so bad for the R&F. No sports as children. I was not even allowed to play outside when the worldly neighbors' kids were outside, so I learned to play quietly inside by myself and read a lot. Thank god, I happened to have fairly good genes and my grandmother's metabolism, so I never went passed a size 8. Even so, one of the first things I did upon my exit was join a gym and was down to a healthy 2 (I'm short and small boned) in no time. I have never been so healthy as I am now, since leaving the org: that's mentally, spiritually AND physically!! love my exercise and meditation!!
    p.s. then I remember on the other hand, a lot of bulemic and anorexic sisters. I think both ends of the spectrum--overeating, and undereating that you saw in the org reflected a deep seated lack of self esteem--love for themselves. When, if they had just been encouraged to view themselves and their bodies in a healthy way, more of that could've been avoided.

  • Seeker


    That is a good point. I have often noted that "gluttony" is the one Bible-named sin that is almost never used to DF someone. I don't know what it takes in the area of eating before you get DFed for gluttony, but I never saw the limit apparently. One cigarette and you are called before the carpet. Stuffing your mouth in front of everyone is overlooked.

    As Kent points out, JWs do depend on drugs, but the prescribed kind. And of course they do get drunk, just not publicly if they don't want to take a chance of being caught (Englishman's Dub-in-the-Pub being a very notable exception). And you can eat yourself into a stupor and hardly be noticed. But one cigarette? Horrors!

  • LDH


    there are some with endocrine probs

    YAH there is a rash of JWs who have:

    Blood disorders
    Thyroid Disorders
    Endocrine disorders

    And the list just goes on and on, NO? Ahhhhh, but Jehovah will fix everything in the new system! Praise Jehovah! (and pass the cornbread).


  • dins

    I'm rolling on the floor laughing!! I remember the assemblies and the food lines...and the cheese danishes! Don't forget the Shasta..boy was that nasty.

    Going to a convention now is like going to a tellytubby convention!


  • Seeker

    I remember all those years of working in food service. Certain food items would go fast, and other food items could barely be given away. Chocolate pudding? Popular. Vanilla? Nope. Burritos? Long gone. Hoagies? Plenty of 'em left. Orange juice? Went like hot cakes. I personally liked the orange juice that was frozen solid. You could suck on those things for a long time and cool off in the summer.

    Hey, those of you who also worked in food service, 'fess up: Did you also hold back some of the good items when they were getting scarce, so you could have a nice lunch when your shift was over?

  • crownboy

    Ahhh.. don't remind me of those cheese danishes. Just about everyone ignored the advice to not eat during the sessions. But of course, that's all "simplified" now.

  • Trotafox

    On a serious note...Preaching, teaching, eating, and growing older will do that. Strolling door-to-door is not exactly aerobic. There can be other factors involved like depression and stress. Many people are emotional eaters. I gained 60 lbs in 11 years when I was a JW. Eating was the only thing that gave me pleasure. I recently DA'd and am using some of my new found freedom to get my health back. It will take a while to repair the physical, as well as the emotional damage.

    But-t-t-t to quote my boss "We don't have problems; we have opportunities" (as I strangle him in front of God and everybody).


    A movie where the world's run by apes? Must be a documentary!

  • uncle jimbo
    uncle jimbo

    hopefully these sites will turn the "herd" in the right direction.



    -uncle jimbo
    (who promises to learn to link)

  • tdogg

    Dins: Finally someone mentions the cheese danish. We must not forget to give the cheese danish the respect and honor that it deserves. Although burritos and hoagies are very valued members of the convention food delegation, we should never forget the role that cheese danishes played in getting us through 3 endlessly boring convention days.

  • Victoria Cruz
    Victoria Cruz

    So how many of you ex Jw's are fat asses? Or are you all just the exception? What I find funny is that you are all like drones agreeing on everything. Why do the majority of apostates have their nose stuck up each others asses? It seems like a lot of apostates haven't changed. They go from JW suck ups to Apostate "let's kiss each others asses". With the exception of a few some who seem to genuinely care about current JW's and ex Jw's.
    Some of the same people who are saying "let's help these brainwashed cult people to see the light" in turn are saying JW's are bunch of fat asses and let's make fun of these poor misguided people every chance we get, because we want to help them. But a lot of you who are saying you want to help them wouldn't piss up a JW's ass if their guts were on fire.

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