Has anyone noticed that this show is produced by Tom Hanks?
I read (and I can't find the references anymore) that he caught a little flack from the Mormon faithful for his being a party to bringing the series to TV.
The Mormons went on a letter writing campaign when the show first started to try to get HBO to stop airing it. I read that a letter was read at the Mormon churches trying to keep their followers to keep from watching. Never could confirm that story.
I kept up a little with some of the discussions on the HBO board when it first started and it was amazing how many Mormons came to the defense of their church and condemned the show...all without even seeing an episode, or without knowing that it wasn't about the Mormon church but about fundie polygamist cults. It reminded me of JW knee jerk reactions to anything negative that was presented about them in the media.
What was fun to watch was the non-Mormon free thinkers jump all over the Mormon apologists for their righteous indignation. Some people pointed out that the Mormons getting worked up about what was on HBO was a waste of time because they shouldn't even be watching it. Reminded me of JWs condemning TV and movies that we weren't even supposted to watch.