Bethel Art Dept: Are They More Liberal/Free Thinking?

by Open mind 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    I recently saw the cover of an new Watchtower on "Spirituality". Have you seen it? It was very appealing to me visually. It's got this beautiful woman sitting next to a stream and she's wearing some flowing wrap over her clothes. It really had a "new age", mystical, pagan, wicca, who knows(?) kind of feel to it. It was the perfect "bait-and-switch" Craptower cover routine. Of course the articles were the same old predictable hor$e$hit but I really liked the cover.

    So here's the question: Are the Bethel Art Dept folks a little more liberal/free thinking than most? I mean, how else did they capture that look so well? Did you know any Bethel artists?

    Open Mind

  • AlphaOmega

    Here is the cover so that we can all see...


    Are they demons hidden in the rocks ???

    Here is the cover of the following edition...


  • AlphaOmega

    Actually, I reckon that you hit the nail on the head earlier...


    For more proof, just take a look at the December 15 Watchtower covers over the years.... Very Christmassy... until you open the magazine !

  • nvrgnbk

    Aren't artists by their very nature

    a little more liberal/free thinking than most?

    Good point Om! These have got to be the most progressive-looking covers I've ever seen.

    I too see demons in the rocks AO! But then again, I see them everywhere. LOL! See, I used to be in a cult.

  • AlphaOmega

    Sadly the September edition goes back to cheesey artwork !

  • tinker

    Ok, I just submited a post but Where did it go? Oh well, maybe it will show up I was saying.....years ago a witness in the LA area, a professional artist did some WT covers and inside illustrastions. Can't remember his name but it's Drew....something? Sagan, maybe. He did the original Star Wars movie posters for George Lucas and many rock music album covers. I went to a few of his gallery openings and was on his mailing list for years. Ah but that was a long long time ago and far far away......I live on a different planet now.

    The work was very recognizable and far more professional than the in house Bethel guys.

  • Seeker4

    I know two of the Bethel artists - Eunice Spatz and Sau Ling Chain. Both have been there for decades.

    All their work is approved by brothers, of course. I think there are various factions at Bethel, some more liberal than others. Not sure where the art department stands at the moment.

    The brother that was the artist is a Dave that actually posts on JWD. His experience of going to Bethel to teach classes there for the the art department is posted somewhere online. I'm sure someone here can provide a link to it. It's a terrific article, and includes a lot more than the Bethel visit.


  • Seeker4

    Here's the link. Maybe someone can activate it for me. Great piece.


  • tinker
    tinker see I am a Newbe, just noticed a Drew Sagan posting on another Thread......Hello Out There....Are you the Artist Drew Sagan? sorry, I'm old now and confussed easily.

    Yes, artists in gerneral are often liberal thinking. Under GB mind control these guys are just art slaves, no personal expression allowed. They do as they are told. In the Middle Ages artists were sponsered by the church so most of the art in museums from that time is religious themed. They got their personal politics in by using symbolism.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan


    Being that I was born in 1982 and
    Drew Sagan is only my internet name I think it's safe to say I'm not the same guy.

    Would have been cool though!

    I think there is a story on Freeminds that was written by the guy you are talking about.

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